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    “Am I Blue” by Alice Walker: Analysis & Summary

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    As a society, we have accomplished so much in so little time. Because of this, it is quite simple to disassociate from our own roots. In this day and age, the mere notion that our own ancestors were chimpanzees seems bewildering. However, although animals may not have the same technological advances that we have, they still possess the most fundamental component of all living things – a soul. This is the connection between us and the world. We are not separate, we are all one.

    The title “Am I Blue?” accurately portrays this concept. At first glance, the reader believes that the term blue refers to its literal meaning, which could also apply, however, this is not the author’s true intent.

    In reality, Walker questions if the feelings of the horse and herself are mutual. The story Am I Blue? by Alice Walker narrates about a horse named Blue. At the very beginning, the story is an ordinary account about author’s horse, but further exploration provides a deeper interpretation of emotions that animal experiences. In particular, the tale introduces a vivid comparison between the emotions of animals and those of humans.

    Without having previous background knowledge, the immediate first impression that the title gives off is the questioning of an emotional state. In other words, “Am I Blue” is interpreted as “Am I Sad?” Although this is not the central concept of the piece, it is also a reasonable statement. For instance, throughout the passage, the author notices how blatantly ignored animals are. Only seen a source of food, clothing, or entertainment, society disregards their title as living creatures.

    This realization brought much sorrow and anguish to the author. The agony was so extensive that Walker even prompted a dietary shift from omnivore to vegetarian. This is illustrated in the last paragraph as she claims in reference to streaks, “I am eating misery, I thought, as I took the first bite and spit it out.” Upon recognizing the conditions that animals are put through, she could hardly seldom the thought of eating them.

    After reading the article, and comprehending that the horse’s name is in fact, Blue, it is clear that the true meaning of the title is that of a comparison between the emotions of humans and animals. In other words, the title poignantly illustrates how unlike contrary belief, humans are not the sole possessors of feelings.

    For instance, in her reference to horses, Walker states, “it is their nature to express themselves…..And they do. And, generally speaking, they are ignored.” Meaning, that animals have the capability to joy, grief, and even cry. Yet these emotions are neglected by the rest of the world.

    This point is further demonstrated as Walker continues to humanize Blue. “ It was a look so piercing, so full of grief, a look so human, I almost laughed (I felt too sad to cry) to think there are people who do not know that animals suffer.” Walker recognizes that Blue’s pain is real. His pain is human.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    “Am I Blue” by Alice Walker: Analysis & Summary. (2023, Jan 06). Retrieved from

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