Standardized Testing
Words: 803 (4 pages)
It was recently proposed that Ontario should institute compulsory, standardized tests for all students in Grade 12. The best way to analyze this idea is to look at other cases of standardized testing. In the United States, all seniors are subjected to a rigorous set of standardized tests called the SATs. In Ontario, we administer…
Standardized Testing
Words: 579 (3 pages)
If ignorance is bliss, then our public school system should be doing a back flip while singing God Bless America. Education is the second largest expenditure in the US, yet we rank below many nations who dont even come close to equaling our budgeted allowance. For some reason I am not a fan of the…
Standardized Testing
Words: 542 (3 pages)
Tests always make me nervous. The night before a test I can not sleep. Waiting for a professor to pass out a test is like waiting for a jail sentence. When the test is returned and I am expecting a B or better, I see an F, waving back and forth in red ink like…
Standardized Testing
Words: 566 (3 pages)
Standardized testing in America has not improved student achievement. Studies show that after No Child Left Behind (NCLB) passed in 2002, the U.S. slipped from 18th in the world in math on the Progamme for the International Student Assessment to the 31st place in 2009 and the same happened for reading. I think that this…
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Words: 608 (3 pages)
When Marjane Satrapi wrote her novel, The Complete Persepolis, about her childhood in Iran and her experiences in Europe, she gave her readers a glimpse of the life she lived throughout her young adulthood. Little did she know, 7,500 miles away, a teen in Irvine, California saw himself in her story. Marjane’s story is connected…
Computer Science
Words: 633 (3 pages)
Needless to say, it is a cliché that people say they know what they want to do with their life. However, in my case that happens to be a far-fetched idea because my family decided everything for me; from the clothes to wear to the academic career to choose. “My child will be a doctor”…
Annotated Bibliography
How to Write
Words: 568 (3 pages)
The merits of this study are presumably credible due to the fact that they were undergone by AHA (American Health Association). The authors of this journal explain a study that was conducted testing red and processed meats. This study was significant because these two types of meats are the unhealthiest and most concerning to one’s…
Words: 547 (3 pages)
North Hills Junior High needs a new dress code. This dress code we have at North Hills is unfair. The kids should be able to wear pajamas; they are not a crime so we should have the right to wear them. Shorts should be as short as the students want them to be, with some…
Words: 745 (3 pages)
Friends, Relatives, Class of 2023, For those of you who might not know me, I am Mason Lox. Welcome to the graduation ceremony that is about to commence. First off, I would like to congratulate every student that is seated here before me. Twenty-five years ago I was sitting in the same spot pondering what…
Words: 657 (3 pages)
Wendy Wasserstein once said “Don’t live down to expectations, go out there and do something remarkable”. The first step to the remarkable things a graduate can contribute to this world can be to move to a new location. New York will be a great place for an artist to expend his/her craft. Once settled into…
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