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    Events Of The Civil Rights Movement Essay

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    Events Of The Civil Rights Movement EssayI. IntroductionA.

    Why it beganB. What happened II. Emmett TillA. Said “Bye-Baby” to white womanB. White woman brother and husband kill EmmettC.

    Both men found not guilty of their crimesIII. Little Rock NineA. Gov. Faubus denies entryB.

    Pres. Eisenhower ordered troops to integrate Central High SchoolC. Ernest Green first black graduate of Central HighIV. James MeredithA.

    Denied by the University of Mississippi after being acceptedB. Pres. Kennedy ordered troops to escort Meredith to campusC. Meredith graduates two years laterV. COFO MembersA. Arrested on false charges of speedingB.

    Murdered by the KKKC. Pres. Johnson had FBI investigateD. A few men were charged with charges of violating civil rightsVI.

    ConclusionA. Not able to share all B. Hope you liked it———————————Events of the Civil Rights MovementThe United States Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s was the centerfold of the1900’s. The Movement came about because not all Americans were being treated fairly. Ingeneral white Americans were treated better than any other American people, especially blackpeople. There were many events of the Civil Rights Movement some dealt with black peoplenot getting a fair education.

    Some events came about because people were advocating thatpeople should be able to practice their American rights. The term paper that you are about toread is composed of events that occurred as apart of the Civil Rights Movements. The eventsare all in chronological order with the brutal murder of Emmett Till first in order. After that is thestory of Arkansas’ Central High School’s integration. Keeping with the idea of equal education,you will be able read how the University of Mississippi was integrated by James Meredith withthe assistance of the U.

    S. Government. Lastly you will see the power the Ku Klux Klan had inthe deep South, especially Mississippi, with the murder of three members of the Council ofFederated Organizations (COFO). These events are just a glimpse of what the Civil RightsMovement truly was. Now here is the strory of young Emmett Till. Emmett TillNot knowing the customs of Mississippi was the downfall for young Emmett Till.

    Whilevisiting family near Money, Mississippi, Emmett Till, age 14, was murdered. Emmett grew up onChicago’s South side, where he was a fun loving child with a bit of a smart mouth. Living inChicago, Emmett knew of segregation but had white play mates. On one occasion he hadshowed his cousins a picture of a white girl and had told them that she was his girl. His friendswere some what impressed and had dared Emmett to speak to a white woman who was insideof the store, that they were standing in front of.

    Emmett went in and bought some candy and ashe left, he said to the woman, “Bye-baby. ” That would be the biggest mistake of his life. Whenthe woman’s husband got back from out of town, there was trouble for Emmett. The woman’shusband, Roy Bryant, and her brother, J.

    W. Milam, paid a visit to the cabin of Mose Wright,Emmett’s grandfather. The white men did not listen to Mose Wrights suggestion that sinceEmmett was not from Mississippi, that they may just whip him. Instead, the men kidnappedEmmett and took him to the Tallahatchie River. When they got to the River, they made himcarry a 75 pound cotton gin fan to the river bank. The men ordered Emmett to strip, then theybeat him and gouged his eye out.

    After that, they shot him in the head and then threw his bodyinto the river. When his body was discovered, he was so badly mangled that his grandfatherwas only able to recognize Emmett by the ring that he wore, which bore his father’s initials. Theauthorities of Mississippi wanted Emmett’s body buried quickly in Mississippi, so that the newswould just stay in Mississippi. Emmett’s mother (Mamie Bradley) did not want her son’s bodyburied in the land that let his killers go free. Emmett’s body was shipped to Chicago, where hisfuneral was held.

    Emmett’s funeral was attended by thousands, at which his mother left thecasket open. A picture of Emmett’s distended corpse was published in Jet magazine. MamieBradley decided to have the funeral delayed because she wanted the world to see what “thoseanimals that call themselves men” had done to her son. In less than .

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    Events Of The Civil Rights Movement Essay. (2019, Feb 24). Retrieved from

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