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    Essay on Academic Success : Career Goals Essay

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    Continuing Academic SuccessGoing back to school can be a stressful and daunting experience for many students. Being bombarded again with assignments can weigh unsuspecting students down and make it difficult for some to stand forth and walk forward. Consequently, there are many a handful of tips and techniques available for these students to use and work with to ensure academic success, tips like setting goals, using critical thinking, and understanding the writing process, to name a few.GoalsGoals are essentially a set of short-term or long-term objectives created to aim for a particular ambition. Setting goals will not only help a student reach his potential academically and educationally, but also can help him with his future career goals.

    Academic and Educational GoalsAcademic and educational goals are aspirations that deal with both the details of schooling (e.g. finishing a paper or acing a chemistry course) and the big picture of education (e.g. obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Biological Science).Career GoalsMost college students go to school to earn a degree that will help them into an inspiring job.

    When selecting a degree to pursue, setting a career goal, or finding a future job to be ambitious towards (e.g. Web Designer) can significantly increase a student’s want in finishing his education.Critical ThinkingWhen doing an assignment or speaking to others, the process of absorbing, understanding, and expressing information is called critical thinking. In Becoming a Master Student (2014), Ellis talks about psychologist Benjamin Bloom’s “six steps of critical thinking” (pg. 55 – 56; pg.

    205):1. Remembering—gathering and memorizing information. 2. Understanding—comprehending and summarizing information.3. Applyin.

    . easily find his way around and quickly locate the needed information, be it peer-reviewed or not.RevisionRevising a paper happens after writing a rough draft. Au contraire to what many students believe, a paper is not finished and should now be read and reread by not only the student, but by anyone, or any resources, who is willing to analyse the paper. When doing this, mistakes may be dug up and found, giving the student the opportunity to fix these errors.Conclusion Using tips and techniques during school can help returning students not feel so stressed and overwhelmed.

    Understanding the reasoning to have goals, what critical thinking is, and how to correctly write a paper are just a few pieces of the incredible amounts of advice out there. Therefore, what other suggestions or strategies could you give to a returning student as he continues his academic career?

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay on Academic Success : Career Goals Essay. (2019, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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