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    Essay on My Personal And Career Goals Essay

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    Ruby Dee said it best, “The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within – strength, courage, dignity.” This is one of my favorite inspirational quotes because of the depth of the definition of beauty. Beauty has always been determined by the physical features of an individual, and it actually goes deeper than the skin’s surface. Understanding this statement separates the strong from the weak, and it is my personal goal to be among the strong. I want to possess the strength, courage, and dignity that others do not understand, and be able to use these qualities to help build and mold a better place for our future leaders.

    In order to move forward, I must first accept my past and understand how my past has shaped me to be the person I am today, and how my past will help me reach my future personal and career goals. Life is a journey within itself, and I must reflect on my background, follow through with my education and career goals, and foresee my plans of attainment for reaching my future goals.On a Tuesday night, the 22nd day of September 1992, I was born in Baptist Hospital of Montgomery, Alabama. At the time of my birth, my parents had recently divorced and my mother has been my primary caretaker since then. My father has been pretty much been absent for most of my life. Growing up in a single-parent household is challenging, but it has caused me to become this strong individual who can withstand a lot.

    There have been times when I could not have certain things that I wanted because bills had to be paid or my mom just didn’t have the money to purchase it at the moment. Big family vacations were not summer rituals for us because my mom had to work to provide for her family on her own. Although there. .inted Special Advocate (CASA) for children. I advocate for abused and neglected children in juvenile court and help determine the final decision of reunification of the parent and child.

    Being a CASA gives me insight to how much parent-child relationships influence behavior and the strength of family structure and interactions.Overall, I am learning new things every day, but most importantly I am learning how to define beauty from within by being courageous, strong, and having dignity. My mother and brother have been major influences in my life and how I care for others. School is the most important factor in reaching my career goals as a marriage and family psychologist, but I must understand the importance of balancing school and work in order to attain my goals. Hopefully, I will be able to mentor my future clients on how to be successful just like I will become.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay on My Personal And Career Goals Essay. (2019, Feb 18). Retrieved from

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