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    Essay about Sociological Research Methods And Research Essay

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    As society and individuals are continuously changing it makes it difficult to study society as a whole due to the many challenges in terms of the correct method to utilize if wanting to achieve appropriate results. Although, sociology is viewed as a form of science the research methodologies differ. Nevertheless, when studying about society, sociology is seen as effective, however, various scientific methods may be used to gain the most accurate findings. A sociologists main interest is to observe and explain society, therefore the research procedure must be taken seriously. Meaning, the steps taken must be done appropriately and systematically to obtain accurate results.

    Therefore, “skipping or skimping any steps will risk the reliability and validity of the research” (Arvanitakis 2016). Sociological research methods usually consist of surveys, field work, experiments and secondary data analysis (Little 2014). Even though it may seem odd to use scientific methods to study society, its systematic approach provides order to the research. Nevertheless, social interactions are different and forever changing which makes it difficult to chart or explain. Due to this reason scientific processes are helpful as it “establishes parameters which aid in the objectivity and accuracy of the research” (Little 2014). However, scientific methods provide “limitations” and “boundaries” (Little 2014) which need to be crossed when studying society since it is so diverse.

    Nevertheless, the first step when using the scientific method is to identify the problem or area of interest. The research topic must not be too narrow nor too broad, on the other hand “sociologists do not rule out any topic” (Little 2014) when formulating the research subject. . .methods in order to choose the correct one for their research.The evidence demonstrates, that sociologists juggle between the two methods and choose the one that is the most appropriate for the research topic.

    The scientific method provides systematic and organised research which will aid the researcher in conducting the study as well as ensuing that the data is reliable and valid. Although, sociological research is complex it provides reliable and valid results as well as reasons behind these results which is something the scientific method does not include. Which is vital when studying society as it is so diverse. Thus, researchers might use a single method or combine them depending on the subject of the study, as sociology is viewed as an appropriate discipline when studying society however the scientific method allows research to be more organized and coherent.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay about Sociological Research Methods And Research Essay. (2019, Feb 14). Retrieved from

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