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    Essay about Food Inc: Eating Organically Essay

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    I will be writing in my book report on Food Inc about how the food industry is not really telling us what is in our food and how we don’t know much about the food we buy and eat. I was in shock because I try to avoid eating junk food or fast food, and after reading the book I realize I could still be eating junk food, if I don’t learn more about what I am buying. I will be writing about how the food industry can get away with murder and not have to pay for it. Also on how the government is not regulating them as they should. How information is being with help from us, and how we are kept in the dark, for their benefit.

    How our farmers are treated and how the use of high levels of pesticides to which they are exposed to and their families affects them. The conditions in what they work in sometimes with no access to water or shade. And finally how we can get out of the routine and rut we are in, and how to educate ourselves to eat well and be healthier, and what we need to do to make a change.

    Food Inc started while researching California’s Strawberry industry, it was investigation piece about how illegal immigrants the transformation of California agriculture, the exploitation of poor migrant workers. Which with more investigation he learned, so much that he decided to write Fast Food Nation which also triggered Food Inc. He felt like there was a whole new world behind the counter that had been deliberately hidden from us.

    Also how the corporations influence government policy in reading this book you see how the big corporations hate government regulations that protect workers and consumers, but they love to receive the tax payers money. You would think they would like to take of the people that are making them rich. We find o. .inually raise the bar by adding in extra nutrition, there will be less bad stuff on the market and less strain on our environment. Eating organic maybe a little bit more money but isn’t it smart way to go it is the solution to society’s ills.

    It’s sensible farm policy and helps with healthcare, you eat better, you are better, it can stabilize fuel prices and reduce our dependence to foreign oil, and it can lead to true national security. Five questions to ask yourself to see if you have reduced your “FoodPrint”. Is the food organic? Is this product made from an animal? Has this food been processed? How far did this food travel to reach my plate? Is this food excessively packaged’so we want to be world changers, we want to get involve ask questions about the food and where it’s from and how its grown, how are the farmers treated. Get educated about your food!!

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay about Food Inc: Eating Organically Essay. (2019, Feb 23). Retrieved from

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