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    Essay Watching Video Food, Inc. Essay

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    I chose to watch video Food, Inc. I wanted to learn more about the foods we eat every day and how they are processed. During the video I watched and learned that animals are put into harsh conditions that redesign the way that they grow. They are given all types of drugs and steroids to make them grow quicker than they actually should. Chickens about 50 years ago would developed over 70 days but now they are forced to grow within 48 days because of high demand.

    The producers of Food, Inc. asked dozens of farmers about going inside the farm and slaughter houses to see how the process goes and they all declined. Only one farmer by the name of Carole Morison allowed them in because she was tired of the way she was forced to treat her chickens. The houses were disgusting, they had to live in their own species and were all together. With the animals all together in unsanitary living space it is a high chance diseases will spread. The animals living the way they do, our food is not really safe.

    Sick or not they are still sent to processing and cut, chopped, and delivered to our local grocery stores. These big meat packing companies Tyson, Perdue, etc. have one ultimate goal which is to produce a lot of food on a small amount of land at a very affordable price. Companies make millions and feed us infected food while the animals suffer and the farmers end up in debt. Question #2Producing a greater amount of food and feeding more people does not outweigh the problems we have within our food system. Our food system needs to begin with the way the animals and workers are treated.

    The workers are put into dirty factories with dirty animals that could be possibly carrying a disease. Our food system is all about supply and demand . .y risk being arrested. The companies are making billions of dollars while poor innocent people who came to work are going to jail. When a worker gets arrested it’s always easy to fill their spots with more people because someone always needs a job.

    Question #3 In my opinion, there are many proposals I would recommend in regards to the issues raised in Food, Inc. I propose that we start with the conditions of the farms. The farm animals should not be ankle deep in their own species. They should be in a nice clean environment for sanitary reasons. For an example, when the workers go to cut the animals for their meat, their species flies all over the place. Workers get covered in spices, our food is then infected with species.

    I think if we treated our animals better and put the change of our food having E.coli, and other diseases could be somewhat prevented.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay Watching Video Food, Inc. Essay. (2019, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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