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    Food Inc, By Robert Kenner Essay

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    FOOD Inc. is a film that goes deeper into the food that we consume every single day, and also gives us insight on the origin of our food from the average farmer to the corporations that have almost made a monopoly in agriculture. However, Robert Kenner exposes the corrupt ways food companies treat animals and the way food is being produced, and overall, the need to make our voices heard that we need to make a change when it comes to what we eat and how we eat. Therefore I agree with the documentarian on his point of view on the way animals are being treated, the way our food is really being made, our health, and its effect on our lives. While analyzing this documentary, you notice that the food being shown in the film was a clear contrast on what we usually see on television and other forms of media.

    It mainly started at how our food is being produced from the feeding of animals to our local grocery, and you see how we are being deceived into thinking that they actually care about our consumption, however, they care about the money that is being made. I agreed with Kenner because he gave insight on something that was not shown in our lives. We did not know about how chickens, and cows are put into these warehouses and are being fed corn since it is so cheap. Another argument that Kenner made was the facts of the dollar menu and fast food. The dollar menu was usually seen as something that was affordable and a light snack. However, when dollar menu items are being shown in this film, you analyze how they are cheaper than healthier items which makes it harder Soto 2on families on living a healthier and substantial life.

    You also look into the long lasting effects of their health, which by the way is failing due to their “choices”. .what to eat and not eat. His argument can fail because his solution to this problem will seem like there is too much effort that would be needed in order to make a change. However, he defeats this argument because he proposes many arguments and strong evidence to where people have to change their ways when it comes to eating. Soto 4In closing, there is a lot to consider when it comes to this documentary and its connection with our food.

    We have been close minded to a lot of perspectives until we see something, so for us so have seen this documentary, it does show how we need to change, and fortunately he does provide ways in order for us to change. Solutions such as eating foods that are only in season, and eating organic foods are the few steps that we can take in order to make ourselves healthier and better as a nation. Hopefully, we can all make that change.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Food Inc, By Robert Kenner Essay. (2019, Feb 20). Retrieved from

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