Educational Psychology – Teacher InterviewI interviewed a teacher from the Philadelphia School District and here is the result from my interview. I am a teacher in the head start program of Philadelphia .I have been with the head start program for 10yrs. I see children younger than kindergarteners with . I see this problem not only with education but .
Children with special problems can learn. You have to know how to deal with children period. Regular children and special educational children all learn. Special educational children know exactly what they’re doing just as well as regular children. The teachers involvement with the process is the teachers observes the children than fills out an application or suggest that this student needs some type of help if its with speech, or any other problem. In head start we have physiologist who get children together and evaluate the children.
They do a test and it is evaluated with staff and parents or guardian of the child. We are involved in the Early Invention Programs. This program is even for younger children with behavioral problems and we get help from a supportive staff.Pros Cons1. Test 1.The terminology they slow the 2.
Free (help) staff uses with parents.2. Not enough people to provideservices. 3. Therapist does not follow up year to year 4. Dedication from pre k-12 grade 5.
Parents don’t show confidence in their child My opinion on issue special education. We as teachers and therapist really need to take our jobs serious. They are children all over the world that need help.