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    Development Psychology Essay (520 words)

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    Personal, social and emotional development: The areas of personal, social and emotional development is about how a child makes relationships, has self-confidence and self-awareness and manages behavior. For example, a child of 26 months will demonstrate to their parents that they can be independent and they could show this by saying ‘no’ if they don’t want to do anything. Physical development: Physical development is about how children can move around and handle things by themselves and health and self-care.

    For example, a child who is 10 months will pull themselves up to help them stand and they will hold onto someone they now or a piece of furniture for support. Communication and language: Communication and language is about how a child can listen and pay attention, to understand others and be able to speak. Gore example, a child who is 5 months will make their own sounds in response when someone who is familiar is talking to them. Literacy: Literacy is about a child Who is learning to read and learning to write.

    For example, a child who is 16 months will be interested in books and rhymes and could also have a favorite. Also the could draw/write with their finger in the sand. Mathematics: Mathematics is about children learning about numbers, shapes, space and measures. For example, a child who is 40 months could be able to separate a group Of 3 or 4 Objects indifferent ways, and begins to recognize that the total is still the same. Understanding the world: Understanding the world is about how children see people and communities, how they see the world and technology.

    For example, a child who is 30 months could ask a question or comment on the aspects of the world, such as where they live or where a different family member lives. They might ask why they live in different places then them. Expressive arts and design: Expressive arts and design is about exploring and using media and materials, and being imaginative. For example, a child who is 60 months will be able to understand different media and combine them to make a new effect. These 7 areas Of learning and development are all interdependent.

    An activity that shows this is playing play dough and basing this activity on the book postman pat. Personal, social and emotional links into this activity because they are all talking to you and each other about what they are doing with the play dough. This is interdependent with communication and language because they are speaking o each other while they are doing the activity, Communication and language is interdependent with physical because when they are making play dough people to do with postman pat they are using their fine motor skills to hold the cutter and rollers properly.

    Physical is interdependent with math because when the children make the people, they can count how many people of objects they have made. Also they can be making different shapes which will help them learn. Math is interdependent with literacy because they could make their names out of the play dough with the cutters and there could be some alphabetical teeters they can also use.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Development Psychology Essay (520 words). (2018, Aug 21). Retrieved from

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