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    Development of Barack Obama in the novel Dreams From my Father

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    Throughout the novel dreams from my father there were multiple themes. One Theme Consisted of how race can play a large role in one’s determination of identity and place in society. Barack Obama was born to a white mother and a black father. Race became an important part in figuring out who he is growing up to be. Due to not knowing his father he grew up mostly around white people. Barack Obama started to feel the animosity between Blacks and Whites and how they feel towards each other. while growing up with mostly white people started to identify himself with African Americans. even though he still recognize it’s an impact being raised by white has on how he is raised and given opportunity in Chicago. Obama observe the culture and lies of lower-income blacks and have their own feeling of race affect their mindset and how they live.

    Due to Obama growing up around white people he felt as if he can never fit in because of his race. he always felt alone in his life so he didn’t know who he could trust. throughout his life he had to make ethical choices. he had to choose between family and his own success. Barack Obama had to learn how to survive in society he he had to be determined to be somebody important. he encountered violent situations because he was different but that didn’t stop him from achieving his goals. Racism didn’t only occur in the world around him but also in the government. When Barack Obama was given the chance to change the world around him he did. Barack work at the church to get closer to the community.

    He wasn’t also perfect he had low self-esteem but eventually came out with a new outlook on life. As he was getting closer to the community he became more important getting advice to important events giving speeches. One day Barack Obama received a call from his Aunt Jane informing him that his father died in a car accident. he never got to know his father so he only heard from other people. Based off of the memories given to him about his father he wanted to grow up and make sure he was as important as his father and follow in his footsteps. He wanted to change the world. he wanted to end the separation between whites and blacks kill the animosity between the white and blacks. Barack Obama travel all across the world such as Kenya. His family from his dad side live in Kenya and as he traveled to Kenya he learned about his family history.

    Barack Obama witness poverty in Kenya. He learned his grandfather was a hero to the people of the Lou tribe. Barack Obama realize his Good Fortune affecting his family in Kenya he debated sacrificing his own success for his family. there he was introduced to Reverend Phillips. Another thing throughout the story is that family and knowing one’s inheritance can bring a sense of appreciation and completeness. through much of the beginning of his life he lost feelings since he never really got to know his father. it’s only when he visited Kenya and learned the story of his father and grandfather his life that he came to an understanding eating the troubles in his mind. Obama’s journey to Kenya also change his life by getting to meet his very welcoming an extensive family. this experience along with the friendly nature of the people of his culture gives Obama A New Perspective of family and leads to him appreciating the concept.

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    Development of Barack Obama in the novel Dreams From my Father. (2022, Dec 20). Retrieved from

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