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    Community Development Essay (305 words)

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    Administration Unit administration My profile settings BARRIOS Ideas and Identity (52, 2014) Unit Overview BARB 50 Ideas and Identity is the first year breadth unit required for all students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts. It is offered in both semesters, in both internal and external modes. The unit explores the power of ideas to change the world and ourselves, focusing on their birth, transmission, evolution, and personal and global impact.

    Through the study of selected themes, students are introduced to the knowledge and approaches central to the arts, social sciences and humanities, and are invited o reflect on competing moral and social arguments, The development of writing and critical thinking skills are a core focus of the unit. The unit is arranged around four different topics, each of which is allocated five or six lectures and three tutorials.

    Each topic consists of an organizing theme which is used to focus a set of contrasting disciplinary perspectives from within the arts, social sciences and humanities Poor 2014, the four organizing themes are: The individual and the community ‘Violence strut and representation ‘The good life The key aims Of this unit are as follows: ‘To introduce students to a range of methodological, conceptual and theoretical approaches to the main discipline areas covered in the Bachelor of Arts degree. To show how social and moral issues may be examined from diverse perspectives, so as to result in differing evaluations, each offering potentially valuable illuminations. -To provide students with the conceptual tools to become more articulate and reflective in their examination of social and moral issues. The majors which comprise the Bachelor of Arts in 2014 are: ‘Asian Studies

    Australian Indigenous Studies ‘Communication and Media Studies ‘Community Development Criminology ‘Education Studies ,English and Creative Writing “Games Art and Design chastity Indonesian ,eliminative Digital Design -International Aid and Development ,Japanese -Journalism ,Legal Studies ‘Philosophy .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Community Development Essay (305 words). (2018, Aug 22). Retrieved from

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