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    Communication Essay (300 words)

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    Ch8The functions of communication in organization are:1. Share information, instructions2. Share feeling and emotion3. Central and co-coordinated efforts4.

    Motivate employee5. Interact with other stackholdersOrganizations success or failure is often the direct result of :1. Companys communication philosophies2. Employees communication skills3. Quantity of communication that is within the orgnation4. Environment of trust and effortSupportive communication:A person who communicate accurate and nearest information and build and enhance relationships instead of jeopardizing them.

    Computer mediated communication:Information databasesVoice mail systemsFaxCell phones. CMC DRAWBACK BCommunication can become impersonal , machine to machine loses personal touch. Interpersonal skills may diminishStrive for message completeness, correctness with e-mailTotal or partial lack of nonverbal cuesEasy to be overwhelmed or overwhelmed other with too much information. New technologies encourage poly-phasic activities (doing more than one thing at a time) which can split a persons attention and lead to ineffective communication (phone and reading mail simultaneously). Social interaction to minimize negative effects of isolation for both traditional and telecommuters.

    Regularly diconnect from technology( no none should be expected to bo on call 24/7). Function of communication within organization:Providing knowledge about company goals, how to perform tasks on job, standard of acceptable behavior, need change etc. Expressing feeling and emotions: to avoid misunderstanding express your feeling and emotions (positive or negative) encourage subordinates to do the same. Controlling and coordinating the individual efforts encouraging subordinates to communicate with each other to coordinate their activities.

    Motivating employees; by communicating confidence in them and how they can benefit from performing well. Helping them succeed in their goals by clearly communication what to expect from them. Giving them clear feed back.Communication :The evoking of shared or common meaning in other person This sums up the real challenge with communicating effectively , no matter the situation manage on medium.Tougher than it sounds.Words/ Pages : 281 / 24

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Communication Essay (300 words). (2019, Jan 10). Retrieved from

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