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    College Tuition Rising With Every Coming Year? Essay

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    Why is college tuition rising with every coming year? College has always left a hole in the pockets of those who strive for a higher education to get a better job. The payoff of this higher education would net a person with the job of their dreams and an acceptable pay. Sooner or later, that hole would be refilled, and that college graduate would walk off with a smile on their face. However, it sourly isn’t this simple. College tuition nowadays is still where a high school graduate can go to get their degree in whatever field they choose, but the financial restraints the federal government has been putting on both public and private colleges has been devastating.

    With the rise of college tuition students have started to be turned off by the notion of expensive education, learning that the federal government has had it’s hand in the mix as been a crazy notion, and wondering how to bring back the much more appreciated inexpensive tuition.College education has always been an expensive business. According to the U.S. Department of Education all institutions, both Public and Private, during 2005-06 had the average of about $17,450 in current dollars for 4-years (“U.S.

    Department”). This amount really isn’t that troubling, something a student could pay off in a couple of years. Financial aid for this student would help out tremendously bringing the 4-year starting price down a couple thousand to say the least. However, moving closer to the present, the rise of 2012-13’s prices have moved to $20,234.00 (“U.S.

    Department”). That’s a $2,784.00 increase in the last 7 years, so why would college’s need this extra money? To help pay for more deserving classes, extracurricular academics, college improvement projects? These are sorrowfully n. .f he was talking to a handful of colleges it would be expected for them to take initiative (Obama’s Plan Aims to Lower Cost of College). This however was relaid to all college institutes around the country, for every single campus to change how the pay and sell is preposterous.

    And on the flip side of that, as was stated earlier by Mary Kate Cary, when he signed for it it went up in smoke. The intentions of this were good, however in the act of doing so, sent a generous heap of even more trouble down the line for students.In conclusion, college tuition has risen, quite a bit. Reasons concerning the federal government, our president, and even colleges themselves has left pre-college and college students alike with continued hardship. Hopefully in the near future the people, college boards, and even our government will find a parity over the prices of higher education.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    College Tuition Rising With Every Coming Year? Essay. (2019, Feb 19). Retrieved from

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