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Essay about College Tuition Is Too High Essay

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    With the rapid growth of college tuition, it has become an important issue in higher education. College Tuition is simply defined as the charge or fee for instruction, at a private school or a college or a university. Most people agree today that college tuition is too high or that it needs to be completely dismissed. There are some however, that may disagree with the claim about college tuition and state that college tuition is necessary for college growth, and it’s primary purpose is to pay for college expenses to support the institution financially. Research shows that college tuition is too high and that debt has become a standard in America after attending post-secondary school.

    Recent researches suggest that college tuition is indeed too high and that it needs to be abolished from post-secondary schools. In the article “Is College Tuition Really Too High?” by Adam Davidson, he informs us that public universities often behave like elite private schools, using aid to attract the best students (Davidson). Davidson is trying to make his claim about higher institutions, and how public universities in fact uses aid to attract students into their school. If in fact schools are using aid to attract students into their schools, it is very likely that their school costs are very high and that a family isn’t able to pay for the college expenses out of their pockets. Likewise stated above, Davidson gives us more information to persuade the readers that college tuition is too high. Davidson states that “The total level of student debt is at more than $1.

    2 trillion” (Davidson). One may read this and instantly be persuaded that college tuition is too high and that it will continue to grow every year until change occurs. In addition to . .be done to lower tuition costs is to have a petition. A petition is another way to raise awareness because the government would have to take action in order to end the petition.

    The third solution someone can do in order to lower tuition costs is by going to school overseas. The prices should be much cheaper and more reasonable than attending schools with a high tuition cost. Another solution in order to lower tuition costs is to apply for as many scholarships and grants as possible. This is an effective way to lower costs and to make your college experience not just an enjoyable experience but an affordable one too. The final solution someone may do in order to lower college tuition costs is by working in a “High Need Field.” Colleges would often pay you to study and work in these areas because they know you’ll ultimately be helping the society (Forbes).

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay about College Tuition Is Too High Essay. (2019, Feb 18). Retrieved from

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