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    Belonging: the Crucible.Hotel California Essay

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    The whole song relates to an unwillingness to belong and a yearning to leave. As well as the unwillingness to leave, the mood of the song is isolated and this pertains to not belonging, which relates to the feelings of Tuba in the crucible. Tuba is out of place due to her difference in race and culture. Like in the song, she has no choice as to whether she leaves and is given virtually no rights, as a black woman slave.

    Related text 2: Visual text- painting 1977 by Peter Booth, Booth paints self-portraits built tromp his deep inner most personal thoughts and feelings. He uses thick brushstrokes and dark desolate colors to provoke negative emotions in his audience. A painting tot isolation, alienation, displacement and estrangement, This painting brings about a sense of not belonging in the audience through the expression on the man’s face, the color scheme and his body language.

    His expression emotes sadness through his blank stare. He looks out of place and unhappy about it. The desolate color scheme suggests mayhem and busyness. The colors red, orange and black representative of anger, displacement and isolation and prevalent over the painting. The stance of the man (hands in his pockets) guests he is uncomfortable where he is, creating a feeling of not belonging.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Belonging: the Crucible.Hotel California Essay. (2018, Jun 12). Retrieved from

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