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    How appropriate is the term cultural revolution Essay

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    Then maybe a few people began to realise that through music, through long hair and colourful costumes, through our attitudes, hopes and fears we weren’t going to change the world. We could only maybe change ourselves a bit. And I think this resulted in a depression for some people and a rush of cynicism. ‘ But xxiMaureen Nolan and Roam Singleton have a more positive view, ‘And did all the upheavals in living standards, in attitudes and fashion have a lasting effect on the lives of the adults who were teenagers in Liverpool in the sixties? I believe it did.

    ‘ In their opinion the Sixties was a mini-renaissance in which the right of individual expression was encouraged, applauded and nurtured by a generation whose nai?? ve belief was all they needed was love. The Sixties experienced a cultural revolution that happened with startling speed and force and on many levels, from grass roots to the leading politicians. The Sixties touched many people’s lives for the better or the worse, but for the most part it continues to colour and enrich our lives today. [1995 words] i An Introduction to Humanities, The Sixties, Author of unit 25 and 26.

    ii Eric Hobsbawn’s book Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century 1914 – 1991 iii The Sixties- Cultural Transformation in Britain, France, Italy and the United States, c. 1958 – c. 1974 iv a memoir by Maureen Nolan and Roma Singleton , Resource Book 4, pg 23 v Jim Hayes, A3, Thanks for Coming! an autobiography, Resource Book 4, pg 24 vi Letter from Birmingham Jail, Resource Book 4, pg 27 vii The Feminine Mystique, Resource Book 4, pg 28 viii An Introduction to Humanities, The Sixties, pg 99, Table 2 ix ‘Declaration: Equality for women in science’ Resource Book 4, pg 5, B7.

    x An Introduction to Humanities, The Sixties, pg 103. No 3: Writing scientific papers for publication is the most important way of building one’s professional credibility and visibility in science. xi ‘Has feminism changed science? ‘, Resource Book 4, pg 54 xii Theodore Roszak, ‘Journey to the East… and points beyond’, Resource Book 4, pg 56- 60 xiii Theodore Roszak, ‘Journey to the East… and points beyond’, Resource Book 4, pg 56- 60 xiv Tom Wolfe, novelist and journalist, Mauve Gloves and Madmen, Clutter and Vine. An Introduction to Humanities, The Sixties, pg 134xv Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, a drug which was used in the past for religious quests and was not considered illegal in the nineteenth century and earlier. xvi

    Maharishi Mahesh Yogi founded the Spiritual Regeneration Movement (SRM) 1967 xvii Tim Leary, ‘Start your own religion’, Resource Book 4, pg 72 xviii Letter, Resource Book 4, pg 33 xix Twiggy, 16, who was the face of 1966 xx Jim Hayes, A3, Thanks for Coming! an autobiography pg 24, Resource Book 4 xxi ‘mini-renaissance’, Resource Book 4, pg 25  Please note the Resource Book 4 is a course book for An Introduction to Humanities, A103 Debbie Wren; Personal Identifier: W5978943: TMA08.

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    How appropriate is the term cultural revolution Essay. (2018, Jan 12). Retrieved from

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