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    The Renaissance: Was it a Thing? Crash Course World History Essay

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    How does John Green define the Renaissance? It was an effloresce of arts. 3. Where do we commonly see the classical influences visually expressed in the Renaissance? The renaissance saw the rebirth of European culture after the dark ages and rushed in the modern are of secularism, rationality, and individualism. 4. Why are the scholars who worked with ancient Greek and Roman texts called humanists? What misconception has this name led to, and how is that misconception debunked by John Green? Because it implied that they were concerned with humans ether than the religious world.

    This led to the assumption that Renaissance writers, artists, and scholars were secretly not religious, but they actually were studying the humanities. 5. Which dates are most commonly associated with the Renaissance? Why do we not have a specific series of dates, or beginning and ending point? 1 5th and 16th century. We don’t have specific dates because they weren’t physically written down. 6. Why specifically, did Italy become the center of the Renaissance? Money 7. How and why did the Venetians become so rich? They exported textiles to the ottomans.

    They were expert sailors and shipbuilders, and merchants. They figured out ways to trade with Islamic empires which included the biggest economic power in the region, the ottomans. 8. Why were Florentine textiles so valuable? What were the two ways they acquired the meaner to make these textiles so valuable (be specific). The color remained vibrant Dyed with a chemical called alum Italians needed the alum but could only get it from the ottomans 9. In what way did the Islamic world contribute to the Renaissance? (Include specifics)

    The Muslim world was the source of many of the writings that the renaissance scholars studied. 10. Why is Copernicus so cool? What did he do? Because he was a lawyer and a doctor and could speak 4 different languages, he also discovered that the earth was not in the center of the universe. 1 1 . Why does John Green say the Renaissance didn’t really happen? Most people didn’t know about the renaissance because its art and learning affected only a sliver of the European population. Also the life expectancy went down in many areas of European during the renaissance.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Renaissance: Was it a Thing? Crash Course World History Essay. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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