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    Alcoholism and Drinking – Alcohol Abuse and the St Essay

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    Alcohol Abuse and the State

    In our country today there is a serious problem plaguing families and people everywhere. This problem is alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction, and it is not something that will go away. According to many sources this problem can cause many implications and can casue severe harm to those it touches(Venturrelli 222). And one of the main problems with the disease of alcoholism, is that it does not effect just the drinkers, but everyone who cares about them. It is seen as impossible to ever cure all situations of alcohol abuse, but is possible to help those who have a problem and to try and prevent others from becoming addicted.

    Most poeple do not realize what they are getting themselves into when they drink, and some who do drink never engage in aproblem. But there are also people who have a disorder in their genes, and those are the ones who have the most serious problems. Alcohol abuse can skip generations in families and show up only in one or two family members every couple of generations(Martin 676). What this means is that Jane’s(fictious name) great- grandfather may ahve been an alcoholic and no one else in the family will have a problem, and then Jane begins to have a problem. It is impossible to predict who this disease will strike, but when it does it strikes very hard and very deadly. Many times alcohol abuse begins as just ahving a good time, throughout high school I drank a lot and I enjoyed it.

    I don’t think a week went by that I didn’t drink at least four times a week, but I never let it get out of control and I knew my limits and when to quit for the night. When I got in to college things cahnged, I still drink but my priorities became more clear and I know when to draw the line. There are a lot of people that never got to experiment in high school and they got to college and really screwed up. Many people can not react well with alcohol in their bodies and that is where a problem starts with them. A main area of alcohol abuse is in ‘greek’ organizations, I’m not saying that they are bad because there are amny non- ‘greek’ that drink, but these organizations help many to have access to alcohol. Those people drink to be social but it goes past social to being plain- hammered for the fun of it.

    The first stage in controlling the abuse of alcohol is to realize there is a problem(Martin, 673). once the problem has been defined and is known then the real work starts. From that point there are many different solutions to solve the enigma. Each solution has its own merit, and with every idea there is a group of people who are sure that it is a fool proof method to solve this dilemma. The truth is that there is no “fool-proof” method to solve this problem. It has been present for centuries and it will take at least that long if not longer to make major advances in this quest of purity and properness.

    Another part of the solution is on the school administration level and the city itself. The main deterrent to alcohol consumption on campus is the ban. It is similar to prohibition of earlier times, there is no sort of alcohol permitted on campus. Along with a violation of this rule comes very serious consequences effecting residency and student status. To enforce this rule there are campus police that encompass the campus and try to promote a sense of security. As do regular police, they can issue tickets for alcohol possession, public intoxication, and minor in possession.

    All three of these are very serious penalties and carry heavy fines. In conjunction with the campus police there are also city police. These officers are there for more than just alcohol dealings, but they do spend a great deal of time working with the university police. They have the same powers as do the campus cops, and .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Alcoholism and Drinking – Alcohol Abuse and the St Essay. (2019, Feb 25). Retrieved from

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