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Adolf Hitler: Biography & Rise to Power

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    Adolf Hitler was born on April 20,1889.

    This was the beginning withhorrible plans for power and control of other people. Some of the things thatHitler did throughout his life were very cruel things; first of all, he was aman who loved war and fighting. Second, he was in charge of putting all of theinnocent Jews into Concentration Camps and killing them. Third, he wanted onedominate race of all the same kind of people. Fourth, he had a life longobsession with danger.

    Fifth, he blamed the Jews for the war debt and sentencedthem all to die. So as you can see already Hitler was a very cruel person. The fact that he wanted one dominate race was unbelievably true. Firstof all, the fact he would kill everyone one way or another that didnt haveblond hair and blue eye and was of German descent, was a frightening fact.

    Theidea of this gives me quite a scare my self, because I have brown hair, andbrown eyes and would I have been killed just because I did not Hitlers physicalstandards. Also Hitler himself did not have blond hair and blue eyes. Next, Idont think that you should judge anyone by the way they look or what they do;that is very wrong. Hitlers idea of one dominate race was a very bad one. Adolf Hitler was born in an Austrian town known as Braunau am Inn. Hitler was the son of a man named Alois.

    Alois Hitlers father was a Customofficials, and his mother was named Klara. Alois was illegitimate, first of allhe used his mothers name, Schicklgruber until 1876, when he adopted the nameHitler. Adolfs father was very strict with him, and ignored him most of thetime because Adolf liked to dream. As you can see Adolf did not idealize hisfather very much, and his death in 1903 actually came as a relief to Adolf.

    Adolf really idealized his mother, whose death in 1907 had a traumatic effect onhim. So as you can see Adolf lead a very mixed up childhood. As Hitler grew up, he failed as a student in the classical secondaryschools. This led Hitler to new opportunities, for instance his desire to becomean artist. Adolf tried to pursue this dream but, was unable to attain admissionto the Academy of Fine Arts.

    Since he was unable to do anything, he lead ashadowy, alienated existence in multicultural Vienna until 1913. Hitler wasdescribed as living his life in melancholy, aimlessness, and racial hatred. Also in Vienna he established his life long obsession with danger. Hitler was afailure at virtually everything he tried in his early years as you can see.

    In 1913 Hitler went to Munich, partly to evade being drafted into theAustrian army. There he answered the call to colors at the outbreak of WorldWar I and Served in the Bavarian Sixteenth Regiment on the Western Front. Thisturned Hitlers life around, for example, he distinguished himself for braveryand was awarded the Iron Cross, First Class. For the first time in Hitlers life,he had found a home. He glorified, for example, the raw majesty of life underfire, the beauty of comradeship, and the nobility of the warrior.

    His soldierydreams of victory and fulfillment were shattered, however, by German defeat. Hebecame convinced that Germany had been stabbed in the back by Jews andMarxists. So now you can see that this started his extreme hatred if the Jewishpeople and the realization he needed to become involved in this problem. After the war, Hitler returned to Munich and joined a small Nationalgroup called the German Workers Party. In 1920, this group changed its name tothe National Socialist German Workers Party, which became known as the Naziparty. Some of the things t Nazis called for were the creation of a strongcentral government, and the cancellation of the Versailles Treaty.

    So inconclusion Hitler became very involved in this new party. Hitler was a skillful schemer, politician, and organizer. For example,he became leader of the Nazi party and built up membership fast. This camepartly from his ability to stir street crowds with his speeches. Hitler had toomuch control over the Nazi party; for example he attacked the government andassured that the Nazi party would assure jobs for workers and greatness forGermany.

    So in concusion Hitler was proving to be a good organizer andpolitician. Hitler organized a private army of hoodlums who became known as stormtroopers. They fought Communist and others who tried to break up the Nazi party. Hitler established many of these. For example, in October 1923, he had 15,000Nazi party members with machine guns and rifles.

    Next, to identify these men asspecial Nazi party members, he gave them brown shirts with swastikas on them todistinguish them as part of the Nazi party. In 1923 Germany was deep in trouble; first its money had lost almostall of its value because of severe economic problems. Second, France andBelgium had sent troops to occupy the Rhur valley of Germany. Third, theBavarian state government in Munich was open to conflict with the nationalgovernment in Berlin. Hitler regarded this quarrel as a chance to take over boththe Bavarian and the national German governments. So as you can see Hitler wasstarting to get himself into trouble.

    On November 8, 1923, at a rally in a Munich beer hall, Hitler proclaimeda Nazi revolution. The next day he tried to seize the Bavarian government inwhat became known as the Beer Hall Putsch. Hitler led more than 2,000 StormTroopers in a march against the government. This led to the police opening fireand killing 16 Nazis the plot failed. Hitler was arrested and sent to jail for 5years in prison for treason. Asa result the revolution failed.

    Because some Germans agreed with his ideas, Hitler was freed after onlynine months. Great changes had taken place in Germany since his imprisonment. For example, most of the people had begun to get homes, jobs, and had hope forthe future. Once Hitler was released, he reformed the Nazi party. They had beenbanned and many of the members had gone to other political parties. Hitler saidthat he would not let the Nazi group would not do anymore illegal acts, and thegovernment made them reform.

    Hitler also made up a private army of elite guards,after his release, the Schutzstaffel, known as the SS. The SS was a battle readyarmy. In final conclusion after the release of Hitler he had reformed a plan torefine the party further. In 1930 a worldwide depression hit Germany. This first of all causedpeople to face unemployment and hunger again.

    This depression started the sameyear that Germany agreed to pay the Young Plan which it had agreed to follow topay off the war debt. Hitlers opposition to the plan made him known throughoutthe country. First, he led protest marches. Second, he organized mass meetings. Third, he made many speeches. In conclusion you can see Hitler was looking forsomeone to pay for what happened to Germany in the World War I.

    The war debt hadto be paid. Hitler added his old arguments to the question of the war debt paymentplan. First of all he blamed Jews, and Communist, for Germanys defeat in WorldWar I. He thought that now the Jews were plotting to cheat true Germans bydestroying the fruit of their years of struggle. Because of this Hitler promisedto rid Germany of the Germans and the Communist, and reunite the parts of Europein which German was spoken. As you can see Hitler already started to rise togreat power, and bring about the expulsion of all Jews.

    In Conclusion you can now understand that the rise of Adolf Hitler marksa violent chapter in German history. He and his Nazi party still have fallowerstoday, hopefully not to the same end.Science

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    Adolf Hitler: Biography & Rise to Power. (2019, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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