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    A Rebuttal of the Concerns of Justice Scalia on the Competencies of Human Service Workers

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    Justice Scalia provides a very negative focus on the competencies of social workers especially considering the roles they play in ensuring a positive engagement where it is possible to have a better environment under which they can effectively perform their duties. Human service workers are faced with unending ethical dilemmas in the course of the performance. It is important to highlight that there is need to develop. An understanding where it is possible to fulfill the needs of everyone based on their contradicting demands.

    The integration of human services in criminal justices have a created significant concerns especially. With questions raised on their involvement within the system (BeVier, 2017). These changes have played a critical role in revolutionizing. The criminal justice system and there overall place within the society.

    Human services have been significantly integrated. Within the criminal justice and have been significantly engaged in improving the overall wellbeing in criminal justices. This paper will provide a rebut to Justice Scalia’s concerns regarding the competencies of human service workers.

    The proposed rule is put into consideration when focusing on the different privileges that people enjoy in court. In the case of Jaffee vs. Redmond, the court did not apply the rule. The proposed rule is only extended to psychiatrists. As well as psychologists but due the developments and ruling in the case.

    The privileges were also extended to social workers. Who play a critical role in improving the wellbeing of individuals. Within the society under different circumstances. The rule that generates social worker right is defined under the Clinical social worker and social work practice act (Sunstein, 2016). This act highlights that a licensed social worker is forbidden from divulging information gained from a patient during their course of professional work.

    This information is crucial in determining the trust between the social worker and the client. The social worker would still divulge the information under various conditions that include if the client gives a written consent or whether the judge deems it necessary to protect the client from harm.

    Human services are concerned with creating a well-engaged environment under which it would be possible for clients to have a better focus based on underlying issues, which have a significant influence on their overall wellbeing. The key ethical issues that human service workers are faced with revolve around their conduct and ability to perform their duties effectively as well as ensuring that the authorities are well informed of the key developmental elements which highlight a greater source of focus based on underlying issues.

    These ethical issues include confidentiality, informed consent, dual relationships and other significant service delivery issues. Human services are developed based on crucial focus on these elements. Issues tend to arise because of differing concerns on the ability of human workers to help in provision of key information despite the fact that the information is supposed to be private and confidential between human service worker and client((Bowman, 2016).

    Human services workers have the sole mission to help individuals and promote the objectives of human service organization. Human service workers have a critical background on what is right and wrong. This means that there is need to ensure that there is a greater focus and understanding under which it would be possible to handle ethical dilemmas that create very difficult environment under which better decisions can be made.

    It is important to understand that human workers have very complex duties which have conflicting values although the key objective in this case is to ensure that there is a best solution for a client who is need. The underlying requirement is to ensure that a client is engaged successfully and thus any issues that limit the operational environment of human service workers are not based on clear information where the critics can get an upper hand.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Rebuttal of the Concerns of Justice Scalia on the Competencies of Human Service Workers. (2022, Dec 12). Retrieved from

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