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    A Key Exploration to Learning Approaches 

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    This assignment will identify effective approaches to learning, demonstrating on how one learns most effectively and steps taken to reach an effective outcome. Strengths and learning styles will be outlined in depth providing evidence from the audit skills. Previous key issues are outlined in learning and the impact on learning, the attempt to reflect upon these experiences. Within this assignment an action plan is created to have control on the academic performance to build on problem areas which are, critical thinking, reading skills and effective problem solving. The key approaches that build effective learning are excellent organising skills, time management and collaborative learning. Previously, these learning approaches were explored either in an assignment or revising for an exam, the outcomes were always success. Strategies used to organise complex information, prioritising assignments and managing time efficiently is by breaking up information given from lectures, note taking and planning further to gain an understating of what is expected from each assignment.

    For example, I Work better when I break each task up and for different days not leaving too much load for one day. Planning beforehand in my journal on certain day I plan to do specific tasks or a research. This gives time to take in information allowing to think further and develop new ideas. Breaking up information allows one to manage time effectively and easily builds on part of the assignment. For instance, the audit skills assessment aided to prepare effortlessly a paragraph to this assignment. However, organising files and paperwork was a struggle at start but to overcome this I put together a new technique to keep my notes together and for me to understand where I can pull out each information when needed .For example, there were huge amounts of paperwork, handouts and activity sheets given from class, lectures and self-independent research. This was confusing and distracted the learning and understanding of the learning objective. To overcome this, I recently used an A3 brainstorm planning with all the information included, I cut out the handout slides and rewrote the notes next to them on A3 paper. This aided to plan the structure of this essay and allowed me to link ideas and information. Colour coding the information was another method to access information, using post it notes made this attractive, this type of equipment motivates my learning. (Cottrell, pg.103, 2013). I feel on task and relived when maintaining an organised approach to learning.

    To reflect upon this, I never used a brainstorm technique, before my notes were dull and unappealing. The brainstorm technique allows the information and question to be broken up and work through the assignment without any confusion. From these methods this allows one to engage in the learning and grow motivation and control over the awareness of learning and understating the development. (Pritchard, 2014, pg. 47). In the future these organising skills will allow to develop independent learning for life long, being able to transfer these skills in a work setting, allowing children at school to break up key information to help them understand or achieve their learning objectives. Including organising and labelling the classroom clearly which will aid pupils to find their own resources. This promotes organisation skills and provokes pupil to think and self-regulate their learning, but this will also benefit the English language learners to access and develop their own learning. Collaborative is another approach to learning this engages peers and motivates them to progress further when discussing ideas and constant feedback.

    This approach I admire because I feel working in a team allows me and everyone to flourish in their education. This allows us to listen to the feedback given and improve, make amendments and help others, this builds relationships and trust. As a part of this assignment a research had to be conducted, this recognised learning styles for the academic performance and how learning is most effective. This involved reflecting on previous experiences in numerous settings and recently involving in classroom tasks, understanding the type of learner and the strengths used within learning. For example, one of the classroom tasks that was useful to me was the audit skills and the V-A-R-K questionnaire. This highlighted the type of learner I am and helped me to acknowledge the techniques I have adapted. From this task I learnt I am an auditory learner being able to intake information from, discussion, lectures, interviews, hearing stories and audio tapes. Famous Scientist and psychologist have produced several different learning models to understand the larger amounts of learning styles, V-A-R-K is one of them. Fleming`s research carried out a neuro-linguistic programming which investigated how individuals communicated and the impact on learning. He studied on four specific learning styles visual, auditory, kinaesthetic and reading. (V-A-R-K). (Bates,2016, Pg. 120) On the other hand, I also believe I am not just one type of learner and can use different types of learning styles to understand the situation or tasks. I feel that if we categories our learning and ourselves we will be ‘stuck with that image’. (Cottrell 2013, pg. 5).

    This can then prevent us from thinking about new techniques used to carry out a successful learning. Considering there are variety of learning styles there may not be one you are completely comfortable with, there might be a mixture of styles considered when learning. I believe that I am also a visual learner for example I cannot remember 100% of the information when given to me in lectures , I prefer to make brainstorm, diagrams any useful technique planned on paper to make me understand or remember, however anyone presenting using images and diagrams also helps me to remember and take in information. In Previous learning I use to create larger amounts of notes this was confusing and later I did not understand what I was taught this is because I concentrated on creating too much notes instead of listening. For example, studying my maths GCSE I use to make notes copy from the board instead of listening and understanding the methods taught to me at first. When revising, I did not understand how to work out most of the methods. Reflecting upon this when I retook my GSCES I learnt to create notes affectively and listened at the same time, my habit has now developed further and is useful to my learning. I take one word or few word notes and mostly find that when I’m listening I can understand what is being said and are able to organise my thoughts and link my experiences with what has been said in lectures or classroom, like this I remember the information given to me when looking back on it. Past issues in learning can have an impact on present learning and for the future, building upon these experiences is vital for the present and future learning or in other settings.

    One of the key issues in my learning experience is reading and developing these skills. An example is at school I did not enjoy reading even when I use to come home with a book, I did not pay much attention to reading in class, I deliberately switched off and I daydreamed. This impacted on my confidence level being able to read in class and struggled to read for lengthy time as soon as I picked a book up, I began to feel bored. This previously has affected my English GCSE; the impact was not being able to write a clear structured story or even think and tell a story, sometimes I feel this affects the way I speak by not being able to explain things clearly. To overcome this issue an attempt to read variety of books nonfictional and fictional, create a habit where I read every day same time, cut of distraction example switch the phone off and carry a book with me when I find a chance I can read. (view action plan in appendix). Developing reading skills will aid me in the future at work with supporting children to read and develop their imagination and encourage them to read by using different strategies used upon myself, in order to grow reading and writing skills. To conclude this essay, having an organised, time effective and collaborative approach to learning aids individuals with planning, preparing and teamwork in the future.

    When working in a team in school this will allow one to promote listening skills and collaborate with staff this will allow the school to develop and meet children’s needs efficiently. Having excellent organising skills will develop in variety areas of pupils learning such as better classroom discipline, gives more opportunities to learning and provides a better learning framework to pupils and an exceptional organised classroom. Reflecting aids, the learning journey and helps improve on present and future learning. This prepares individuals in lifelong learning sectors either in the educational system or at a work setting. For example, allowing children to reflect on their learning and what they have learnt such as reflecting at the end of school day by an assembly or a classroom session such as circle time. (Pritchard, 2014, pg. 37). This gives children time to reflect on themselves and their learning and manage to set personal goals. As once Nelson Mandela said, ‘people learn to hate but you can teach them to love’. Using different techniques and strategies in learning to bring the best out of people. (Bates, 2016, Pg.1).

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    A Key Exploration to Learning Approaches . (2021, Dec 22). Retrieved from

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