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    1920’s Important people

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    A. Mitchell Palmer
    attorney general who authorized anti-radical raids and deportations
    J. Edgar Hoover
    put in charge to fight against radicals during the Red Scare after World War
    Alphonse Capone
    (Al Capone) United States gangster who terrorized Chicago during Prohibition until arrested for tax evasion (1899-1947)
    Henry Ford
    United States manufacturer of automobiles who pioneered mass production (1863-1947)
    Clarence Darrow
    Defended John Scopes during the Scopes Trial. He argued that evolution should be taught in schools.
    Josephine Baker
    African-American actress, singer, opera performer, first black women to star in major motion picture
    Sacco and Vanzetti
    In 1920 these two men were convicted of murder and robbery. They were found guilty and died in the electric chair unfairly
    John L. Lewis
    United Mine Workers of America leader who organized the coal miners strike
    Warren G. Harding
    president who called for a return to normalcy following WWI
    Calvin Coolidge
    elected Vice President when Harding died in 1923 (1872-1933)
    John T. Scopes
    Tennessee biology teacher, indicted for teaching evolution – “Monkey Trial” case
    Charles Darwin
    scientist who formulated a theory of evolution
    William Jennings Bryan
    United States lawyer and politician prosecuted John Scopes (1925) for teaching evolution in a Tennessee high school (1860-1925)
    Babe Ruth
    United States professional baseball player famous for hitting home runs (1895-1948)
    Gertrude Ederle
    first woman to swim across the English Channel
    Charles Lindbergh
    American pilot who made the first non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean.
    Al Jolson
    Made the first talking movie in 1927..The “Jazz Singer”
    Charlie Chaplin
    English comedian and film maker
    George Gershwin
    United States composer who incorporated jazz into classical forms and composed scores for musical comedies (1898-1937)
    Sinclair Lewis
    American novelist First American to win a Nobel Prize for Literature
    F. Scott Fitzgerald
    writer of “This Side of Paradise” and “The Great Gatsby” who coined the term “Jazz Age” Encouraged flappers
    Edna St. Vincent Millay
    wrote poems celebrating youth and a life of independence
    James Weldon Johnson
    poet, lawyer, and NAACP executive secretary
    Langston Hughes
    This man was well known for making the Harlem Renaissance famous because of his poems.
    Paul Robeson
    African American actor and singer who promoted African American rights and left-wing causes
    Louis Armstrong
    United States jazz trumpeter and bandleader (1900-1971)
    Duke Ellington
    he was one of New York’s most successful bandleaders, resident at Harlem’s Cotton Club
    Ernest Hemingway
    an American writer of fiction who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954 (1899-1961)
    Marcus Garvey
    African American leader durin the 1920s who founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association
    Zora Neale Hurston
    African American writer and folklore scholar who played a key role in the Harlem Renaissance
    Bessie Smith
    Powerful, influential blues singer in the 1920’s, “Empress of Blues”

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    1920’s Important people. (2017, Aug 29). Retrieved from

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