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    World History (Renaissance) (973 words)

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    Europe’s economy grew after the Black Death—since the plague didn’t damage farmland, buildings, ships, machines, or gold, people could use these things to grow and make new products.
    After Marco Polo’s soldiers made the Silk Road safe again, trade between China and Europe increased.
    Much of the trade between Asia and Europe at the time was organized by Italian merchants.
    The four Italian cities of Rome, Florence, Milan, and Pisa became huge trading centers and played important roles in world trade.
    Italian trade cities were important because they either had ports on the Mediterranean Sea or were manufacturing centers.
    Italy was a unified country with an oligarchic government made up of the heads of rich merchant families from each city.
    The Medici family in Florence used their banking wealth and power to beautify their city, improve education, and help the arts to flourish.
    The word Renaissance means “rebirth” and refers to a period during which interest in Greek and Roman writing was revived and a new emphasis on people as individuals began to take shape.
    What name was given to the new way of thinking and learning characterized by scholars who studied history, literature, public speaking, and art?
    a) the Renaissance
    b) humanism
    c) idealism
    d) capitalism
    Which of the following helped create an atmosphere in which the Renaissance could flourish?
    a) a new interest in ancient history and the rediscovery of ancient texts
    b) a new respect for talented writers and artists
    c) an interest in ideas that did not have to do with religion
    d) all of the above
    all of the above
    Which of the following men was NOT a major Renassiance writer?
    a) Niccolò Machiavelli
    b) Cicero
    c) Dante Alighieri
    d) Franceso Petrarch
    Which of the following techniques was NOT used in Renaissance art?
    a) realism
    b) perspective
    c) individualism
    d) abstraction
    Which of the following statements about Leonardo da Vinci is false?
    a) He was a town planner and a mapmaker.
    b) He was an inventor and a farmer.
    c) He was an engineer and an architect.
    d) He was a painter and a sculptor.
    He was an inventor and a farmer.
    Which of the followings work of art was created by Michelangelo?
    a) the Mona Lisa
    b) the statue of the Emperor Augustus
    c) the Thinker
    d) the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
    the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
    Which of the following concepts did scientists discover during the Renaissance?
    a) The Earth moves around the sun.
    b) The planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits.
    c) Light travels faster than sound.
    d) The continents have exact locations.
    The Earth moves around the sun.
    developed a printing press that used movable type
    Johann Gutenberg
    variation on the Renaissance characterized by artists who were more realistic in style and scholars who were more interested in the history of the church
    Northern Renaissance
    combination of humanist and religious ideas
    Christian humanism
    believed that the church was corrupt and had meaningless rituals
    Desiderius Erasmus
    loved nature, showed objects such as weeds in great detail, and sold his prints at markets and fairs
    Albrecht Dürer
    wrote Don Quixote
    Miguel de Cervantes
    greatest of all English writers because of his ability to understand what it is to be human
    William Shakespeare
    caused more and more people to want to read and be more educated
    printing press
    “I wrote many comedies, tragedies, and histories in which I examined human emotions.”
    William Shakespeare
    “I am a group of ideas about the value of people and their achievements.”
    “I traveled the Silk Road to China.”
    Marco Polo
    “I was a rich banker in Florence who paid for great works of art.”
    Cosimo de Medici
    “I wrote a political book called The Prince.”
    Niccolo Machiavelli
    “I became famous for printed pictures that I sold at markets and fairs.”
    Albrecht Dürer
    “I painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.”
    “I thought that the church should give up practices that don’t help people.”
    Desiderius Erasmus
    “I wrote Don Quixote.”
    Miguel de Cervantes
    “I filled my notebooks with drawings of plants, animals, and machines.”
    Leonardo da Vinci
    The content of this passage suggests that the person who wrote it was
    a) a rich Italian merchant
    b) Niccolo Machiavelli
    c) a supporter of humanism
    d) Marco Polo
    a supporter of humanism
    Which person’s contribution was most important in spreading the ideas of the Renaissance beyond Italy?
    a) Cosimo de Medici
    b) Johann Gutenberg
    c) Leonardo da Vinci
    d) Dante Alighieri
    Johann Gutenberg
    In general, the artists and architects of the Renaissance were financially supported by
    a) rich families and church leaders
    b) large European universities
    c) the most powerful nations in Europe
    d) the printing industry
    rich families and church leaders
    All of the following helped lead to the Italian Renaissance directly or indirectly except
    a) the Black Death
    b) the renewal of trade along the Silk Road
    c) the Medici family of Florence
    d) the unification of Italy
    the unification of Italy
    Which influence was most important in inspiring the Renaissance?
    a) ancient Greek and Roman culture
    b) early Christianity
    c) ancient Judaism
    d) early Chinese civilization
    ancient Greek and Roman culture
    Italy in the Renaissance was not a unified country but several small independent states. Which culture that you studied in Grade 6 had a similar structure?
    a) ancient Greece during the Golden Age
    b) the Fertile Crescent during the Stone Age
    c) the New Kingdom of ancient Egypt
    d) Rome during the Pax Romana
    ancient Greece during the Golden Age
    William Shakespeare was a great writer of plays. His contributions to world history and culture are similar to those of which person?
    a) Asoka in India
    b) Confucius in China
    c) Sophocles in Greece
    d) Cicero in Rome
    Sophocles in Greece

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    World History (Renaissance) (973 words). (2017, Sep 06). Retrieved from

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