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    Women’s Struggle for Their Rights

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    Throughout our lives, Women have continued to struggle for long years, decades and even centuries of not having the right or freedom they deserve. Before women’s rights even began women were always expected to fulfill a certain role.

    During the decades women were discriminated against in many different aspects and because of this they struggled throughout their day-to-day lives. Today in our lives women’s roles in a society aren’t even close to where they were then. In the past women were often described as a property. If you were wealthy you had a role to manage a household. If you aren’t wealthy you have a job to be a maid or servant. For some women who had some money they were able to get servants. There are many roles women had, one of them was that they were planners.

    Women had to plan the parties, events and they had to make sure it satisfied their husbands. They also spent most of their time to make sure everything was perfect. What about the women who didn’t have enough money? For those women who didn’t have money they had to manage a household and do all the tasks themselves.

    They had to do everything such as take care of the kids, wash the dishes, prepare the food for men, and many more unfair things. Instead of them being maid or servant they also had the jobs of being a mother or wife. Women throughout years had goals and that goal was to marry an older man and then have kids and that whole cycle would start over again. If a woman did not become a mother or wasn’t married she was often viewed as a failure, or seen as someone who was not normal.

    The way children were raised was that boys were sent to school to get a better education girls had to stay home and learn what to do as a woman. From an early age girls had to take care of their brothers and weren’t able to have fun.As the girl grew older she was forced to marry an older man as if they were some kind of property. Another problem that women had was that they didn’t have a say in the church or the government.

    Women weren’t even allowed to have a say in the political decision. Women who spoke or had a say in anything had to often face the consequences like being punished. Even though women were treated fairly they weren’t able to have a good education. They had to educate themselves or women who ask each other for some advice. Soon women began to realize they didn’t need to be controlled by men anymore. Stated by Susan B. Anthony: “The fact is, women are in chains, and their servitude is all the more desabing because they didn’t not realize it”. However, enough was enough and it was time for a change.


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    Women’s Struggle for Their Rights. (2021, Sep 19). Retrieved from

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