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    Women’s Movements for Their Rights

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    From one end of the world to the other, women’s rights have been seen in the height of current times. Living in a modern day world here in America it seems as if women are still fighting somewhat of the same fight from the past years.

    Conflict with these rights has since been a forgotten issue that has from what is seen as swept under the rug; things like arranged marriages, domestic violence, and rape are just a few of the problems we face today across the world in several diverse cultures. Exploration of the conceptual differences of women in the country of Afghanistan is both interesting and perspective changing, whether it is religious customs or the fact that all men have reserved the right to hinder women’s’ rights in this country is eye opening.

    Afghan women are often seen as an accessory to men and just another thing that comes along. According to The World Report 2017, on March 8 the Supreme Court reduced several sentences of men either killing or assaulting women in some way or form. If an action that is in anyway assaulting or aggression it will go unseen and unpunished. Despite the fact that in American history women have often been oppressed or held back from rights that should belong to anyone but comparing that to the lives of Afghan women is appalling.

    Although there are several traditions and standards that women follow based on religion already, when the taliban became more prominent in society everything flipped upside down.During the time when the Taliban invaded society in Afghanistan, women were compelled to completely alter the way they lived, and most women involuntarily abandoned their careers, education, and money to start a new life.

    Women were made to leave all they had known and had worked for behind them. Education was no longer an option and restricted, their voting rights were abolished, they were not allowed to leave or ride in a vehicle with any man who is not a relative and they were denied of any and all medical treatment when it was needed most. Along with the many restrictions that women were enduring this time, one law in particular had a large cultural impact.

    No matter how modern the country had become, the cultural phenomenon of marrying within your family has remained. Women have been trying for years to run from a forced marriage but if they run and get caught, they get put in prison. More than 500 women are imprisoned from fleeing forced marriages and domestic violence according to the Human Rights Watch.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Women’s Movements for Their Rights. (2021, Sep 19). Retrieved from

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