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    Why Wearing Makeup Is Better Than Not Wearing Makeup

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    Makeup is controversial to any women. Some like it, some don’t but I’m here to tell you why it’s better to wear it. I’ve been wearing makeup since I was 12 years old and I’ve got to say it really helped me throughout the years, from giving me something to do on a boring Friday night to it making me feel more confident at school or when I was out. Ever since I was a little girl I loved watching my mom put on her makeup and seeing the way she lit up when she did which led me to wear it in further years of my life. I passionately feel that makeup, whether it’s a full face or just mascara and lipstick this is better than no makeup at all.

    On physiology there’s a article on “ 5 researched-backed up reasons why we wear makeup” and I’ve read it and agree with it but there are a few sentences in this article that I can relate to, It states “Foundation appears foundational. Perhaps because it evens skin tone, and therefore may give a stronger impression of health and symmetry, foundation is widely recognized as enhancing beauty.’’ and I relate to becuase I’ve suffered from and many other women suffer from uneven skin tones and when I put on that foundation that makes me feel so even and glowy and confident and like nothing can stop me.

    Another thing addressed in this article about makeup is makeup helps you look healthier. It states “Beyond any attractiveness measures, cosmetics may help women create certain favorable social perceptions. Indeed, a recent experiment revealed that women pictured wearing cosmetics were evaluated as healthier, more confident, and even having greater earning potential than the same women wearing no makeup’’. And with that being sad makeup helps you with life it’s like a weapon we have to boost up our confidence.

    Many people feel like not wearing makeup makes your skin clearer or as I’ve heard by my father all my life “stop wearing all that makeup you’re aging yourself faster, ruining your skin”. This statement stuck with me throughout life so when I turned 16 I got a job and start buying my own makeup. I found makeup that actually is good for you skin most makeup nowadays has skin clearing formulas in it. In fact, most of my makeup does it says in big letters on the packaging “BETTER SKIN’’. Makeup is now created to wear it will help your skin over time while still making you look flawless who wouldn’t want that’so to the many people that think makeup is bad for your skin, I believe they are wrong.

    So with all of this being said, I will never leave my house without putting on some type of makeup. Wearing makeup makes me feel confident. Wearing makeup is better than not wearing any at all.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Why Wearing Makeup Is Better Than Not Wearing Makeup. (2022, Jan 18). Retrieved from

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