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    What is Cosmetology Essay (1003 words)

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    Cosmetology is the professional practice of beautifying hair, skin and nails. It has been around for many years and will continue to grow as years pass by, foundation is a big part of this industry since it is part of an everyday makeup glam and may have caused people to not use it at all cause of what it leaves.

    Chemicals and other ingredients in foundation have sometimes worsen the cause of acne and sometimes when your skin is sensitive it will only make the situation worse. What this industry can do is use less alcohol, less harmful products and maybe even start to use vegan materials in all foundations. This way once you rinse your makeup off not only will the foundation help with the sensitivity but also help your skin heal at the same time. Acne has affected many ages from teens, to people in their early 30’s and so on. When a professional cosmetic product is used on a person the product then stays and gets stuck with the follicle which then, the pore becomes blocked and can become a pimple. This causes most acne problems and yes, there are many solutions to fix your problem.

    Foundation has become an everyday use for makeup artists and some get clients with severe acne. “A lot of foundations can be heavy, says Gevaras, so she suggests using a lighter formulas. Choose a non-comedogenic products that won’t clog your pores. She advises.” As a person with acne myself, I don’t wear foundation for the fear of it getting worse. I would want to have a foundation that makes me feel comfortable and beautiful in my own skin, something that won’t make me hide under my own skin. A way the cosmetic industry can help with this is having vegan ingredients used in the foundation itself, and maybe other products as well. Some cosmetic industries that use vegan ingredients would be Cover FX, Inika, Kat Von D beauty, B. beauty and many more . If you were a person with acne, would you want to wear something that makes you feel beautiful and it looks like you’re not trying to hide anything? I want to be able to give women all over the world this opportunity and if I must go through tremendous amounts of work to do that I will. These vegan ingredients can help us in many ways. Not only is there vegan foundation but also there is vegan mascara, vegan skin care products, vegan eye care and so on. The cosmetology industry has many problems but this one seems to be the one that’s at the very top of this list. Foundation is a type of makeup product you put on that gives you a complete look and will hide all your blemishes, pimples, under eye bags etc. In this case the foundation stays on for a long period of time and is taken off before you go to sleep. The reason pimples form if your someone who tends to use makeup every day is because the hair follicles tend to get clustered with sebum which is oil and the dead skin gets red and inflamed with pus.

    The makeup industry is the biggest one out there, foundations can come in different sizes, formulas, and prices. Foundations that are in the high price rage tend to be the ones that have those good ingredients such as zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, retinyl palimate, which is vitamin a, and other main ingredients. Don’t those ingredients seem off to you? To me those ingredients seem like they should be in some type of pen or marker but who knows what the cosmetology industry does these days to earn the money.

    I believe that these vegan ingredients can help many in need and can also help you become more confident in your own skin. This is my solution to stop acne forming foundation and although I am just a young kid still in high school I know deep in my heart that I can do what I push myself to do. If I had the chance right now, my makeup line would be vegan and cruelty free, some vegan ingredients most vegan cosmetics use would be honey, beeswax, lanolin, collagen and so on. When doing a vegan cosmetic line you also want to make sure you don’t test your products on animals, most makeup lines do and that’s another issue in the makeup industry. I would want the chance to make people feel confident with their skin, so they don’t have to hide themselves with a pound of makeup.

    In conclusion, I believe that as young girls get older, some facing acne would want to have this product in their everyday life. With the small case of acne, myself, I sometimes am not comfortable in my own skin and would wish I can create all this right now. I also would make it affordable because some skin care or some foundations are in the high price ranges. The packaging will also be cheap as in recycled bottles, boxes, etc. this way everything can be as affordable as possible. In 5 years from now I hope to accomplish everything in this essay to not only have a smile on my face but a smile on every young women and women of all ages.


    1. “Does Makeup Cause Acne?” BioClarity,
    2. Palmer, Angela. “Why Cosmetics Might Be Causing Your Breakouts.” Verywell Health, Verywellhealth,
    3. Person. “11 Vegan Makeup Brands You Need to Know About.” Cosmopolitan, Cosmopolitan, 11 Jan. 2019,
    4. Sheen, Barbara, editor. “Diagnosis and Treatment.” Acne, Lucent Books, San Diego, CA, 2004, pp. 24–37. Gale Virtual Reference Library, Accessed 14 Jan. 2019.
    5. “We’re Now 100% Vegan! Here’s What That Means…” Milk Blog, 27 Mar. 2018,

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    What is Cosmetology Essay (1003 words). (2022, Jan 27). Retrieved from

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