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    Why Stealing Is Wrong essay (857 words)

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    A strange situation appeared – everyone knows that stealing is wrong, no one wants to be known as a thief and be in such trouble, but now and then someone takes a risk and tries to thieve. Why does it happen?This is understandable: “I do not have, but he or she has a lot,” “I’ll take it for a while,” “they’ll buy me, and I’ll give it away,” “but let them keep track of their things,” “no one will know!» And so, in the hope that no one will notice, and even remembering that “one is not caught is not a thief,” a person takes someone else’s things and, happily, runs home. But is it that simple?The dream came true – a man became the owner of a thing that he needed. Or maybe even not at all, but at some point suddenly so wanted to have it! Well, she or he is, but will she bring joy and will the thief take advantage of the prey?Let’s say it’s an expensive toy, a gadget, a piece of clothing or decoration. She came to the thief, but what to do with her? Carry home? The appearance of expensive things in the house will cause a lot of questions; there are no answers, except one, the truthful and the impossible: “I stole it.

    “You can hide it from your parents and enjoy the possession of someone else’s thing secretly, while your parents are not at home. Do not show it to anyone, living in fear of exposure. But what is the point in this thing, if it cannot be used’so, it was stolen in vain, and all the fears, all the excitement were in vain. And even if the opportunity to use this thing arises – will it be fun? Or will the stolen goods be burned? No, it is, of course, just such an expression, the thing will not get hot, but it will inflict far more sensitive wounds – it will burn the conscience. And who would know how many such stolen things, from trifles to quite serious objects, were simply thrown out, lying in a secret place with a thief and bringing no joy to anyone!They steal most often from their friends, or even it can be your friends, from classmates, from those with whom one has to meet constantly. That is, to communicate with this person will, perhaps, even comfort him, lamenting the loss.

    Maybe he will have to see his tears because it hurts to know how much he treasured his property. Anyone who lost it through the fault of a thief, too, dreamed of her, rejoiced when he received her as a gift! And the shore, I made plans for long use. If he left her without attention – it’s not necessarily due to negligence, it only says that he trusted others, including the one who acted so meanly with him. Theft is just meanness; the thief deprived the stolen not only of a thing, maybe not very significant, but he also stole from him the opportunity to believe people, his friends, from whom he did not expect such a blow.

    About the thing he will forget, but about the fact that he was robbed – never. So, someone stole from a friend, and no one caught him. Can he rejoice? As you can see, the answer is no. Among the most innocuous consequences are the above:A person cannot use his prey;His or her conscience torments him;He or she is ashamed to look into the eyes of the stolen;He or she is doomed to live in fear of revealing his crime.

    But it can be solved! Yes, “not caught – not a thief,” but if caught? After all, there is nothing secret that would not become obvious, and the missing thing can be found at the most inopportune moment, and then everything – the reputation is spoiled forever. Many years later, a former classmate can recall this case: “Do you remember how you stole my pen in the first class, long denied it and then you found it” Tell how funny it is, but it turns out that everyone remembers. And he remembers how sorry he was for that stolen pen, and how, even returned, she lost all her charm – she became a reminder of a wrong event. Envy and greed primarily motivate theft. Some find it intolerable to see that others have more money than them. But these are the most shameful feelings! If they have mastered a person, getting rid of them is very difficult, because there will always be someone with more than himself.

    And stealing, even small theft, will not lead to the good. As we already see, the habit of stealing from others is neither rich nor happy, but it can bring trouble and ruin life, and very seriously. This must be remembered at a time when the temptation to take possession of other people’s things arose-how ashamed it would be if comrades, teachers, and parents learn, and how ashamed of themselves, even if no one recognizes it. So, never steal!

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    Why Stealing Is Wrong essay (857 words). (2018, Sep 06). Retrieved from

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