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    Stealing Essay

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    —————————————-Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition README for DisplaysJune 2000—————————————- (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 2000This document provides complementary or late-breaking information to supplement the Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Millennium Edition (Windows Me) documentation.

    ————————HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT————————To view Display. txt on-screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print Display. txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, and then on the File menu, click Print. ——–CONTENTS——–WINDOWS UPDATEWINDOWS 95 UPGRADESWINDOWS 95 DRIVERS CONVERTED TO VGAADAPTER TYPEMONITOR TYPEREFRESH RATES DISPLAY PROBLEMSDYNAMIC COLOR CHANGEANIMATED CURSORSIRQ CONFLICTS WITH PCI DISPLAY ADAPTERSMULTIPLE DISPLAY SUPPORT===============WINDOWS UPDATE ===============Microsoft regularly makes updated drivers available on the Internet through Windows Update.

    Windows Me also includes additional drivers in the Drivers directory on the Windows Me CD. To obtain additional or updated drivers, carry out the following steps:If you have an Internet connection:1. Click Start, and then click Windows Update. 2. Follow the instructions on your screen. If you do not have an Internet connection:1.

    Click Start, and then click Help. 2. In Windows Help, click the Index tab. 3. Type “Download Library”, and then press Display. 4.

    Follow the instructions on your screen. Microsoft updates the Windows Driver Library on the Internet regularly with the newest drivers from third-party manufacturers. Microsoft tests these drivers for compatibility and then makes them available for download. Windows Update makes these drivers available automatically by detecting the hardware on your system and offering you only those drivers that are compatible with your system. ===================WINDOWS 95 UPGRADES===================Windows Me upgrades all Microsoft-provided drivers from Windows 95 and DirectX releases. Windows Me also upgrades certain third-party Windows 95 drivers that might experience problems running in Windows Me.

    If your display card or system included display-specific utilities (for example, extra Display properties in Control Panel, refresh rate utilities, or color matching utilities), an upgrade to the provided Windows Me driver may cause the utilities not to work correctly. If Windows Me upgrades your display driver and your display-specific utilities are not working correctly, this is because the existing third-party Windows 95 driver is not compatible with Windows Me. Third-party display drivers and utilities are often very interdependent, so that if you remove one piece, you will break the other. The display drivers included with Windows Me are intended to be generic drivers that provide stable support for standard Windows APIs and features.

    Because each driver must support a number of different configurations, it is impossible to support every utility with one driver. Some features that formerly were included in third-party utilities have been integrated into Windows. If you still want the extra features offered by your display adapter vendor, contact your vendor to obtain an updated driver and software. ===================================WINDOWS 95 DRIVERS CONVERTED TO VGA===================================Windows Me is compatible with Windows 95 display drivers. However, because the internal structure and behavior of the operating system have changed since Windows 95, some problems in existing Windows 95 drivers might become apparent only in Windows Me. If the Windows Me CD contains a driver for your device, Windows Me automatically upgrades known bad drivers (see the “Windows 95 Upgrades” section earlier in this document).

    If the Windows Me CD does not contain a driver for your device, Windows Me converts the driver to VGA to allow the system to start. In this case, you need to obtain an updated driver, either by following the procedure in the Windows Update or Windows Driver Library section earlier in this document or by contacting your display hardware manufacturer. ============ADAPTER TYPE============Windows Me Setup configures your adapter type based on the controller it uses–for example, S3, Cirrus Logic, or ATI. However, you may find a more exact match for your adapter make and model by using the Update Device Driver wizard.

    In most cases, selecting a more precise adapter type does not change the driver or its behavior in any way. It only changes the name displayed in the Display Properties dialog box. If your computer is working with the display driver Windows Me automatically installed, there’s no need to make a change. To choose a more specific adapter:1.

    Open System Properties in Control Panel, and then click the Device Manager tab. 2. Select the device you want to change adapters for, and then click Properties. 3.

    Click the Driver tab, click Update Driver, and then click Next. 4. Click “Specify the location of the driver (Advanced),” and then click Next. 5.

    Click “Display a list of all of the drivers in a specific location,” and then click Next. 6. In the Models list, select your adapter, and then click Next. 7. Follow the instructions on your screen.

    ============MONITOR TYPE============If Windows Me does not contain a driver for your monitor type, select one of the standard monitor types instead. This selection will not adversely affect the performance or quality of the Windows Me display output. Before you can change to a higher resolution on certain video cards, you will have to specify the exact monitor type. This is by the design of the newer drivers.

    To find out whether Windows Me has a driver for your monitor, carry out the following steps:1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. 2. Open Display Properties. If you do not see the Display icon, click “view all Control Panel options.

    “3. Click the Settings tab, and then click Advanced. 4. Click the Monitor tab, and then click Change.

    A list of monitor drivers included in Windows Me is displayed. If Windows Me does not have a driver for your monitor, contact the manufacturer of the monitor. =============REFRESH RATES=============To adjust the refresh rate in Windows Me, carry out the following steps:1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. 2. Open Display Properties.

    If you do not see the Display icon, click “view all Control Panel options. “3. Click the Settings tab, and then click Advanced. 4. Click the Adapter tab, and then select a refresh rate from the list. You must select a monitor in order to set refresh rates.

    If Monitor is set to unknown monitor, no custom refresh rates are available. Refresh rates are affected by the capabilities of both the display adapter and the monitor. Windows Me makes available all the refresh rates within the combined capabilities of the display adapter and the monitor. ================DISPLAY PROBLEMS================If your display is visible but imaging incorrectly:1.

    Right-click the desktop, and then click Properties. 2. Click the Settings tab, and then click Advanced. 3. Click the Performance tab.

    4. Move the Hardware Acceleration slider one notch to the left. If the problem isn’t corrected, repeat the above procedure and move the slider further to the left. NOTE: Moving the Hardware Acceleration slider to the left disables some of the graphics acceleration functions of your display adapter.

    If your display-related problems are due to incompatibilities in the display driver, this fixes them by using less of the acceleration features in the driver. If your display is blank or unreadable when Windows Me starts:1. Restart your computer. 2. Press and hold down CTRL until the Microsoft Windows Millennium Startup Menu appears.Words/ Pages : 1,240 / 24

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    Stealing Essay. (2019, Jan 08). Retrieved from

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