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    Identity Theft, By Margaret Rouse Essay

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    Identity TheftAccording to Margaret Rouse, “Identity theft is a crime in which an imposter obtains key pieces of personal information, such as Social Security or driver ‘s license numbers, in order to impersonate someone else”. There are two types of identity theft. This includes true name and account takeover. True name identity theft is when the “thief uses personal information to open new accounts” (Rouse). When the “imposter uses personal information to gain access to the person ‘s existing accounts” (Rouse), it is considered account takeover.

    It is extremely important to be aware of how one gains access of someone’s identity, what happens when someone steals it, how to prevent it, and what to do if one falls a victim of identity theft. Whether it is through the internet, personal records, mail, ATMs, or direct theft, the amount of ways that an identity theft can gain one’s personal information is endless. Online thefts occur when “you receive emails from people posing as legitimate companies asking for your contact or credit card information” (How Does Identity Theft Happen?). Identity thefts will do many things to obtain one’s record. They may use computers, pay off employees, steal, or, in some cases, dumpster dive. Identity thieves may also tamper with one’s mail.

    It is possible that they will try and steal incoming or out coming mail. In extreme cases, and identity theft could fill out a change of address form through the victim’s name so that they can receive their mail. When trying to receive information through an ATM, thieves will use a technique known as skimming. This is when they obtain credit card information when you swipe your card by attaching data storage devices to an ATM. Lastly, direct th. .

    t in 2014” (Harrell). Identity theft is a serious crime. As aforementioned, identity theft is when someone obtains your personal information in order to impersonate someone else. Someone’s identity can be stolen through internet, personal records, mail, ATMs, or direct theft. With this information, a thief can do many things including draining bank accounts, health insurance, tax refunds, or even when getting arrested. In order to avoid getting caught in this difficult situation, there are many simple things that can be done frequently to stay on top of one’s personal information.

    For example, make sure to read credit card and bank statements carefully and often. Lastly, if one falls victim to identity theft, there are critical steps to take in order to stop the thief. Identity theft is a tragic mess to be pulled into. Yet, it is a problem that can be avoided.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Identity Theft, By Margaret Rouse Essay. (2019, Feb 22). Retrieved from

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