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    Why I Want to Transfer Universities

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    In my family, food is the center of our lives, my father is a chef and often works long hours in the kitchen. However, our home kitchen has always been my refuge. It is where my father taught me about the precision and artistry of the culinary world. A world that is thriving with diversity and liveliness. Without hesitation, I sat patiently at the dinner table waiting to hear the stories of the intensity, yet fellowship found in the kitchen. The sound of the television was clicked off and as phone rings muted laughter filled the dining room. Personally, the importance of food is not within itself but is in what it offers. The act of eating is a form of communion and celebration with others. Furthermore, hard work and creativity is in the preparation of the meal itself.

    I will always remember a story my father told me about working on the christmas holiday in a hotel. oftentimes, hotel staff is comprised of individuals from various cultures and those who live worlds away cannot be home for the holidays. Instead of spending the holidays alone, my parents invited those coworkers into their own home. They celebrated, shared stories and laughs around the dinner table like any other family that year. This story taught me that no matter what ambition, artistry, or diversity there is in life there is, most importantly, community. I originally chose Sacred Heart University because I wanted to be farther away from home The university is prided on creating a community among its students and faculty. However, I began to feel isolated in a small Connecticut town; I craved the liveliness and diversity found in my home city, Philadelphia, I felt trapped in a community where I stuck out like a sore thumb, as everyone lived close to the university.

    I immersed myself in organizations where I thought I would find the fellowship I was missing, Even before I began classes at Sacred Heart, I did a week of community service with incoming freshmen in order to serve my soon to be community I enjoyed beautifying gardens as well as learning about the residents of Bridgeport, CT, I felt like I had a community at the beginning of the year, but it slowly drifted away, Additionally, Ijoined the choir program, something I am very passionate about. However, the other members were not as enthusiastic as I nor did they show the passion that I did for voice. I again felt isolated, not just because of where I was from, but also for my seemingly unappreciated passion. It was not until I heard my peers speaking about how their goal was to only pass classes that I realized the intellectual and personal challenge was important to me.

    I needed a place that would foster my ambition and encourage me to achieve excellence.  Personally, I feel that Drexel could provide me with the diverse community and exciting opportunities I am seeking. I am passionate about the study of biology. I am excited by the continuous learning that is associated with a field that is ever growing furthermore, philadelphia offers a wide range of opportunities due to its renowned research facilities and hospitals. I want to attend Drexel because I am particularly interested in its thriving biology community and the cooperative education program. Additionally, I am excited by Drexel’s accelerated physician’s assistant program as my goal is to become a physician’s assistant. I want to create a healthcare experience that is understanding of and accessible for all patients. Lastly, I want to bring my experience with and passion for community service to Philadelphia because the city of brotherly love deserves our care, I believe Drexel offers unique opportunities that appreciate the ambition and challenge its community.

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    Why I Want to Transfer Universities. (2023, Mar 16). Retrieved from

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