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    Where My World Began Essay (551 words)

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    A vibrant place it was where my world began. A place that is filled with an abundant amount of cultures mixed into this microscopic city. That is 426 square miles compared to the earth which 3959 square miles. A place that is so small but feels so big as if I am this microscopic organism floating in avast ocean. A frantic, city with skyscrapers and filled streets with the hustle and bustle of people. As quick as I was born into where my world began I was taken away from it to a whole other world with a vast amount of land in a rural area surrounded by nature. However still developing I quickly assimilated.

    Waking up in the morning to the sound of crashing waves and the smell of the pancakes from the kitchen. During the day my friends and I would go the beach and just swim all day almost lost in the beach not thinking about anything. As I would stand on the beach just looking, my eyes were like a digital camera capturing every moment. Ploughing against the shore, the small rippling waves that would wash the night’s debris onto the shore. As I slowly dug my toes into the sand on the white foamy waves would crash onto my toes and pull the sand back into the ocean.

    I would see the foamy mist spray onto my friend’s faces, as they were stumbling around the moist sand. As the day would come too noon the hot humid sea breeze would flow through the air and would spray on me, my day came to an end. My neighbor was this little red head girl with freckles that covered ever corner of her face like a thousand stars that covered the night sky. She was very quiet and almost mysterious, I always wanted to know what was behind the doors of her big white house.

    One day I was riding my bike from school feeling the wind rushing through my hair as I went down the hill which turned into our street I could see her bright strawberry hair at the end of the street she looked tired and dull almost as if she was waiting for me. She said “hay want to come over? ” I was so curious so I said sure. So I took my bike and left it out front her house and went in. no one was home but her big tired and exhausted looking dog just slightly opened his eyes to see who it was and looked at me as if he wasn’t at all amused by me and closed his eyes shut.

    At the end of the day she said, “don’t forget me. ” but I knew I wouldn’t forget her or where I came from. When I was younger I wanted to move and travel the world. Now that I have moved from where my world began I want to go back to the start and repeat my memories over and over again like playing your same favorite song over and over again and just never getting tired of it. This is where my world began. My world, which has formed me and shaped the way I am today, the way I see the world my perspective on things.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Where My World Began Essay (551 words). (2018, Aug 16). Retrieved from

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