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    What is Beauty – Alice Walker Essay

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    In her autobiographical story Alice Walker tells about how after the accident of losing sight in one eye she was never the same. At the young age of eight she was above all others in wit, looks, and talents. I think that the loss of her sight is not what blinded her most, but her unwillingness to except what had happened. Over that next six years she would not ever hold her head up, Alice found that children were mean, they couldn t live with her difference and neither could she.

    During her sophomore year of high school she had the ugly scar tissue removed, now all that was left was a thin glass like line. Soon after her life turned around. She had her first boy friend and she earned valedictorian of her class. Beauty comes from the inside; Alice found you are only as beautiful as you think, and the pain only hurts as long as you let it. There are as many ideas of beauty as there are number of people. As Alice was laying her baby girl to sleep she stared into Alice’s eyes and said Mommy there is a world in your eye!

    Never before did she look at it in this way. The question always was did I change after the accident?. Every choice that you make every experience that you go thought is what makes you one of a kind. Alice had it hard enough she thought, growing up in the 1940 s as a black girl. Now with this extra burden it was the straw that broke the camel back. Alice had it hard enough with her burdening eye, she believed that she did not deserve this, she asked what did I ever do?

    Alice Walker felt that her life was over, but amazingly she endured to become a famous writer. Alice said she is beautiful, whole and free and she is also me. This is the first time that she really believed that she was beautiful. What would happen if each and every person that you meet were the same? The reason that people love to meet people is the unknown feeling and their curiosity. One of the points that Alice made me realize is that a problem only hurts you as long as you let it hurt. Alice Walker is an amazing person to go on with her life.

    I know that this must has been a tortuous experience to endure. After reading this essay, I think that you can not look a beauty in the same way. But if this would have happened to me, I would have not dwelled on my loss but on my gain. In many ways she could see the world in a different way, this has made Alice walker an outstanding writer, with a unique point of view. What first came to mind when I read this story was something that my mother once told me beauty is in the eye of the beholder .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    What is Beauty – Alice Walker Essay. (2018, Apr 21). Retrieved from

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