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    Discussing the film Closer Essay

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    The future however is what leads the couple to the massive argument . Dan wants a clean slate and to him the future only lies with the past present. At the moment his present past is the truth he received from Larry about Alice. Corrupted memories and wanting to know so much brings upon this argument, we see earlier on in the film Dan visit Larry at his doctors surgery. Larry warns Dan from Anna his wife but reverts him to Alice, Dan’s true love, as Dan is leaving the surgery Larry bluntly mentions that he slept with Alice.

    As a member of the audience we do not know whether or not Larry is lying, but automatically take it as the truth as Larry seems to be harshly blunt and to the point, he doesn’t seem to want to cause harm to Dan but just wants Dan to leave him and his wife Anna alone. Dan and Alice start to argue as Alice becomes uneasy about the past and she seems to focus on the future. Alice doesn’t understand why Dan is asking her such questions on her sleeping with Larry, however she does not give the impression that Larry is lying and does not deny the statement.

    A frustrated Dan leaves the room angry and leaves Alice by herself. However Dan runs back with a rose he picks up from the hotel corridor, the film goes down a conventional root of a love film and we assume that the couple are going to get through this dark era. Dan seems to want to forget as he runs back to the room; he doesn’t care what’s happened he just wants Alice. Everything seems to be perfect, we already know how much Alice loves Dan and how much she’s forgotten to be with him and we see Dan wanting to forget what Larry said.

    The conventional root of a love genre creeps in as we see the strength of Dan love and what he is willing to do, to be with Alice. Up until this point we see the film taking a conventional root of a love film. We see the couples strength of love. Even though they may have argued, we still have hope and we can feel that when Dan enters that room Alice will forgive him and be in this world as lovers. As Dan enters the room with the rose Alice says ” I don’t love you anymore”, the film’s unconventional mood comes in to the frame work and we see the vices of the mind break down this remarkable bond of love and destiny.

    This is where my narrative of the second part of my extract begins. Dan ignores the fact that Alice said that she doesn’t love him anymore, he takes it as her being angry and just focussing on what they are arguing about. The rose lies next to Alice on the bed and we see Dan on his knees begging for her to forget. Straight into his eye she says ” Where is this love? I can feel it, I can hear it but I cant touch it I cant feel it” . For a couple who seemed so destined together the truth finally emerges. The realistic view of how Alice feels comes true.

    Throughout the film she has needed Dan and she would have done anything for him, even forget him having a affair for a year. Alice has been very much holding this relationship together in her own mind and when she lets go of the reality that she doesn’t feel loved and that she can’t go on the relationship absorbs the toughest feeling of emotion yet. Dan doesn’t want Alice to leave, when he finally admits why he was asking her about Larry, Alice feels although she has been tested. She wants him to go and he doesn’t, Dan wants to stay and he’s not letting Alice walk out so easy.

    To him Alice doesn’t feel loved, but she’s still in love with him and to Dan, Alice is making a mistake she’ll regret. Dan starts to force himself on Alice, he doesn’t want her to let go and he can see he slipping out off his hands. Alice has slipped out and even though we the audience can see she still loves him in her eyes, she needs to leave because to her love is the only reason why she’s still with him. Alice starts to struggle to make Dan leave, he doesn’t and she ends up spitting on his face.

    Dan raises his hand, he puts it down and Alice says ” go on hit me you f****r” he does. He follows he command and slaps her on the face, that’s when the relationship come to the last point. We finally see his true colours. The last part of the extract moves from the scene in which Dan slaps Alice to a close screenplay of each and every character in the play. This is the first time in the film we see each and every character in the film alone it also shows us some of the most important facts that we didn’t know about and get to know now.

    I take this last part of my extract to be very unconventional, it doesn’t show the lovers together but shows them apart and learning lessons that they could have learned together. We first see Larry and Anna in bed, the camera focuses on Anna and we know that she will never be happy. The next shot then goes to Dan, who is back to the first place he took Alice. This is a war memorial place and we then see the truth about ‘Alice’. Alice is actually called ‘Jane’ and the name Alice Ayers which she told Dan at the beginnig was a name off a war memorial wall. NOT FINISHED NEED BETTER ENDING.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Discussing the film Closer Essay. (2018, Jan 06). Retrieved from

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