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    What I Learned in my Internship

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    Investment is a tool which launches objects in any domain. This is a part of finance. The most dinamically changing subject as it based on chaotically changing figures. And this most intriguing me feature of this field. Inasmuch as analyse and associate date in order to solve. Challenge promt me to go more deep and cope with new obstacles which encounter in the way of solving issue. This is mathematical part of finance I most intersted in as I enjoy the challenge of Math area. Moreover development of innovative ideas in order to tackle problems logically; properly management and estimation of resources are skills I have and set a goal to develop them in business sector at a higher level.

    Whereas I scored the highest marks in all university subjects, devote more time to subjects related to mathematics, especially econometrics, as I attended additional lessons on PTC Mathcad and mainly engaged non-linear algebraic equations, optimization, linear algebra and systems of linear equations. I think such tools for date collection and analysing are vital for finance forecasting and are right hand for experts in field of investing.

    Beyond my university study in which, I attended International Accounting Principles and Business Administration courses implemented by the Norwegian Humanitarian Enterprise and got the best score at the final exam. During this course I gained knowledge proper to accountant, also developed teambuilding and presentation skills as I worked out projects with other participants. Outside my academic studies, I participated in various competitions and seminars.

    I was selected to the program “The participation of youth in decision-making and implementation of public policy conducted by UNDP and Ministy of Foreign Affairs and in framework of the program I took an internship at the Ministry of Finance. Whithin the internship I familiazed with financial forecasting, economic analysis and treasury operations. In order to gain more practical experience of the aspect of business sector I took one year. internship in local

    I have made many researches on various issues mainly in university, one of them became a finnalist on country competetion. My last research was about Corporational Social Responsibility in banks, I send it to competition and wait a result yet. More I make research then I become more independed working, creativity and innovative, it ehnance my self-awareness skills and ability learn, when I am gathering nedeed information from plenty of materials, whereby I am developing critical thinking. Each research makes me more enlightened.

    After I became one of the winners of best marketing plan for Rexona company conducted by Unilever company in my country, I approved myself that I realy posess skills and abilities which I can contribute in way of business world.

    I am always keep balance beetwen my academic study and outside intersts as involving in social activies such as voluntering, participation in social programes. Recently I took one month EVS in Turkey, where I with other participants carried out “Eropean Youth Festival”. This event gave me an opportunity to develop strong communication skills as there was representatives from 24 counties with different cultures. I saw there realy team working and this activity broadened my horisons. Also I implement some social projects in which improve presentation skills and IT skills as well. In spare time I draw this is enrich my mind with new ideas and I like play to football as this game promt me think and perform readily and carefully at the same time.

    In this captivative world each second change taste of demand and accordingly to it supply, but cycle of whole finance system is never stanch it is updated with new strategies developed by representatives of finance trade. I have prepared my future career as an increasing part of this whole system.

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    What I Learned in my Internship. (2022, Dec 14). Retrieved from

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