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    What Does Suicide Mean to you? Essay

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    Before actually thinking about the subject of suicide and physician-assisted suicide I probably would have never said what I have, because in the society we live in it is viewed as a horrible sin. Know that I have actually taken the time to analyze the situations of people that could be in such situations I absolutely agree with them. Making the choice of whether to keep living with an intolerable pain and suffering is a person’s private decision. I am sure that such situations occurs all of the time, therefore I do not 4 think that a person’s decision about physician-assisted or even suicide itself affects society in any way.

    Suicide and physician-assisted suicide are both practically the same thing, and most definitely have social consequences. Most people got to their physician in order to get cured, it would be very odd and rather misleading if that doctor can also help you take your life. If cases of a physicians being allowed to help their patient die would be let out into society, society would be devastated because it is a sin for any person to take their life. The word suicide to society causes devastation and it makes people yearn for help, suicide is absolutely a problem that is social.

    Suicide is completely not acceptable in a society, especially because society has that mind set that suicide is a sin and that it is Gods power to take a persons life. Just like Ernest von den Haag says, “Life was thought to be a gift from God, Who ordained its beginning and end”(Haag p. 406) this quote is exactly what we as society should follow and will follow because it is what is morally right. In conclusion, both suicide and physician-assisted suicide are private decisions a person should be able to take, they are both choices that do not affect society in any way.

    I believe that people who are very ill and cannot or simply do not want to keep going should be able to say when they want to quit. A person should not only be able to say what they want to do but they should actually be able to go through with what they decide to do. I basically think that if a person goes trough the process of actually thinking about suicide then they should be allowed to do it privately. In my opinion suicide is a sole decision that in no way affects society as a whole. Work Cited Reading and Writing in the Academic Community 2nd Edition.

    Eds. Mary Lynch Kennedy and Hadley M. Smith. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2001 1. Anonymous. “It’s Over, Debbie” 2. Haag van den, Ernest. “Make Mine Hemlock” 3. Hook, Sidney. “In Defense of Voluntary Euthanasia” Questions This paper has overall been pretty difficult; I think it succeeds to be a challenging paper. I would probably have to say that my biggest strength through out my whole paper is my introduction and probably my first two paragraphs after my introduction. My biggest weakness would probably be my refutation; it became a big challenge to me.

    I think that my overall process of writing the paper was pretty good, except for minor problems that I accounted as I went through such as the refutation, but overall I think I did fine. When I started writing the paper I felt really confident but as I move into the body paragraphs I began to get a little scared for some reason. The most challenging part about this essay in my opinion would once again be the counterargument. Overall the paper was okay. What Does Suicide Mean to you? Nancy Gamboa Essay Question # 2.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    What Does Suicide Mean to you? Essay. (2017, Dec 12). Retrieved from

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