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    Water Cycle Questions and Answers

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    Question Answer
    Can springs have cool or warm water? Both. Some springs have cool water and some have hot water.

    If water flows deep in the Earth, the water becomes heated.

    ? 97%
    What percentage of the Earth’s water is fresh water? 3%
    What is the gaseous form of water? Water Vapor
    What percentage of fresh water is in the form of icebergs? 75% or Three quarters
    Most fresh water in the atmosphere is the in the form of what? Water Vapor
    What percent of fresh water on earth is usable by humans? 1%
    Some of Earth’s fresh water is deep what? Groundwater
    True or False. All Earth’s oceans are connected to form a single world ocean? True
    Icebergs are formed from frozen what? Fresh water
    Where is most fresh water located: underground water OR River and Lake water? Underground water
    True or False. The Water Cycle is unnatural and a manmade process? False.

    The Water cycle is a natural process.

    What is the water cycle powered by? The sun.
    True or False. The water cycle has no real beginning or end. True.
    How do plants take in water? Through their roots.
    How do plants give off water? Through transpiration in their leaves.
    What are the major processes of Water Cycle? Evaporation, Condensation, and Precipitation.
    What does Evaporation change water to? Water Vapor
    What produces water vapor from plants? Transpiration.
    What forms clouds from water vapor? Condensed water droplets that combine with dust particles in the atmosphere.
    Precipitation falls back to the earth in what forms? Rain, snow, sleet, and hail.
    Why does water vapor condense (condensation) when it travels far above the earth? Higher up, air tends to be colder.

    Cold air holds less water vapor than warm air. It condenses into liquid water.

    How do clouds form? Condensed droplets of water clump together around tiny dust particles forming clouds.
    If groundwater reaches the surface, how does it reenter the water cycle? It reenters the water cycle by evaporation into the earth’s atmosphere.
    What is the source of all fresh water on the earth’s atmosphere? In other words, where does all fresh water come from? Precipitation.
    True or False. The rates of evaporation and precipitation are the same and balanced. True.
    What are some ways that people use water? Home use, Agriculture, Industry, Transportation, and Recreation.
    Some areas of agriculture do not receive adequate amounts of rainfall. What do the do to solve the problem? Irrigate (irrigation) water to supply water to farm land.
    How is water essential to living things? Water is essential to living things to grow, reproduce, and carry out other important processes.
    Why are icebergs considered the “terror of ships at sea? Because can cause great damage to ships including sinking them like the Titanic.
    What do icebergs consist of? Fresh Water.
    How do icebergs form? When glaciers reach the sea coast, large chunks break off forming icebergs.
    How are icebergs tracked? They are tracked by using ships, planes, and satellite.
    Why is it important to track icebergs? To warn ships and other watercraft of icebergs to prevent accidents.


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    Water Cycle Questions and Answers. (2018, Oct 20). Retrieved from

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