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    Volunteering in My Hometown Essay

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    Born in a civilian family, I did not have so many toys in my childhood. I kept complaining about my childhood to my friends until I met a special group of people. Last summer, after my heavy study, I took part in a volunteer activity organized by Young Men’s Christian Association in my hometown. Our main project was to help students in a Hope Primary School. Students in this school had totally different fate from us. They were all orphans and fostered by their grandparents because of their miserable families. Situated in suburbs, the Hope Primary School left me the first impression of hope.

    Although they had the simplest and crudest classrooms and facilities that I have ever seen, students there were all pleased about our arrivals and greeted us with smiles. From the talk with the only teacher here, I knew that all items here were donated by Philanthropists. Every student only got one clothes for this coming winter. Compared to my life, we were all human beings, why they were treated unjustly by their fate. This was the first lesson that I learned here. In this society, we still had a large group of people needed our help.

    We should try our best to provide these unfortunate students a relatively even place. When I first had a study session with these students, I realized an eccentric student sitting in a corner with his hat on. From the talk with other student, I was told that his parents were both dead and he was fostered by his grandmother. He got infantile autism after that and barely talked to people. I was trying to approach him; however, I was worried about touching his wound again because of my impertinent words. I tried to say hello to him. He even did not glance at me.

    He kept doing his work and totally ignored me. I sit back to my seat sadly. In the following five days, I tried to make friends with him sincerely. I told him a lot of interesting stories happened in the world and gave him confidence to go out and see the wider world. When we finished our helping plan and ready to leave, the boy smiled at all of us with hope. This was one of the most precious smiles that I have ever seen. He also told me that he was lucky because there were still a few students like him did not even have chances to go to school.

    When I went back home, I felt that only my contribution was too slender to help this large group of people. I hope University of Pittsburg will be interested in this organization that can help this group of people. We can go to their schools frequently, live with them and bring them some necessities. We will find that there is still a large group of people lead such tough lives. They do not only need education, but also our love. We try our best to provide a warm family and get a better understanding of our lives. Because of our love, their future will become brighter.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Volunteering in My Hometown Essay. (2018, Aug 16). Retrieved from

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