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    VEGETARIAN DIETS DEFINED Essay (280 words)

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    VEGETARIAN DIETS DEFINED EssayVegetarianism does not have any mandatory rules.

    They do not all have to do things that are set in stone. However, some general types of the vegetarian diet do exist. The most commonly used terms for these catagories are as follows:Lacto-vegetarians:This type of diet has been defined as being restricted from eating any animal flesh, but they do or are allowed to eat dairy products. Ovo-vegetarians: Similar to lacto-vegetarians, they do not eat flesh or milk products, but are allowed to eat eggs instead of dairy products. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians: the most popular type, does not eat flesh or meats from animals, but they do eat eggs and dairy products.

    Vegans: It is said to be virtually impossible to be completely vegan. These type of people do not eat animal products at all. Most also discourage use of animal products in their everyday life. They rely only on plant-based foods. Macrobiotics:This philosophy emphasizes consuming locally produced seasonal foods.

    They may include fish if it is abundant in their area. Raw food diet: The followers of this diet only include foods that are still in their raw state, or have not touched fie. This diet is supposed to imitate the original human diet, however, excluding the raw meat. This diet is based on the principle that enzymes can be destroyed while cooking. Fruitarians: This is based on fruits, nuts, and seeds, health/ spiritual diet. Semivegetarian: diets may be of several types.

    An ovolactopollovegetarian diet includes poultry in addition to milk and eggs. For a pescovegetarian diet fish is an acceptable food. Part-time vegetarian: rely mainly on plant foods, but occasionally eat red meat and other animal foods. .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    VEGETARIAN DIETS DEFINED Essay (280 words). (2019, Mar 06). Retrieved from

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