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    Values Learned from Experience Essay

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    There are many moral values that we learn from our experiences, and they play an important role in our personality. Every human being has a moral code which guides us in creating a basic set of values, and each person must choose how to prioritize them. Honesty is a key element in any relationship. That is why I believe that honesty is one of the most important values. I have learned through my experiences that if we strive to be good individuals, good things will happen to you. I remember when I was in kindergarten, I became friends with the meanest kids in my grade.

    They were disrespectful to the teachers, and constantly bullying other students. It seemed to me, at the time, that because they were rebellious they were free to make their own decisions. I wanted to feel that kind of freedom. One day one of my classmates lost his favorite pencil bag somewhere in the playground. He said “It fell off my backpack.  That afternoon, as I was crossing the playground to go to the restrooms, I happened to find it. I was telling my friends that I found Ramon’s Power Ranger pencil bag. They pressured me to keep it by saying “Don’t worry!

    His rich parents will buy another bag for him; besides that one is an awesome pencil bag . I decided not to return the bag and for the time being, things were going great. I finally had the Power Ranger pencil bag I’ve been asking for. When I was doing homework that evening, my parents saw my new pencil bag. As soon as they saw it, they questioned where I got it from. I told them that my teacher had given it to me, but since I’ve never been a good liar they knew I wasn’t telling the truth. “I found it, but since the kid’s parents have a lot of money, they won’t have any problems getting him another one  I told them.

    Then my parents gave me a piece of advice that I will never forget. “If we strive to be good individuals, good things will happen to us when we are at our lowest.  The next day I returned the bag to its owner, and as soon as I did I felt wonderful for doing the right thing. Years later when I was in 4th grade, I remember the school management were selling tickets for a raffle. That year the grand prize was a brand-new bicycle. The raffle took place during the recess of the last day of class before the Christmas break.

    I had memorized my ticket number, so I put my ticket in my pocket for safe keeping. When the principal read aloud the winning ticket’s number, she read my ticket number! I started jumping from excitement, which caused my ticket to fall out of my pocket. When I reached in my pocket to grab my ticket and claim my prize, I noticed that the ticket was gone. I was frantically looking for my ticket in all of my pockets, without success. A couple minutes later, when I realized I was not going to find the ticket anywhere, a girl approached me from behind.

    You dropped this.  she said, and then walked away. She found my ticket and gave it back, she did not care that it was the winning ticket. That’s when I finally understood my parents’ advice about the outcomes of doing the right thing. Ever since that day, I have always been an honest person. Lying can be the easy thing to do, but being honest is the right thing to do. Nevertheless, the easy way is not always the correct way. Without my parent’s advice and my experiences, there’s no way I could be the person I am today.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Values Learned from Experience Essay. (2018, Aug 16). Retrieved from

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