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    Trace Edna Pontellier’s awakening Essay

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    Edna awakening comes very soon in the story, because first of all Edna never feels connect to the wealthy Creoles of New Orleans. The whole life style of the Creoles just never fits to her and the type of person she is. Then on vacation, Edna starts to fall for a man named, Robert Lebrun. The mean part of her awakening is when she’s on the beach and she realizes that she’s is an individual. With her new feelings she starts to spend more time on herself like learning how to swim and disregards her children.

    After Robert left, she finds two new friends as well as a new house. With the new pigeon-house that she loves dearly, Edna also gets a new man Alcee Arobin. Alcee Arobin gives Edna passion like know other man had did before, but she still love Robert. When seeing Robert again at her friend’s house, their love starts all over again. The awakening of Edna was that she has her own mind to do as she pleases, the individual part of her was dyeing to get out.

    Characterize Monsieur pontellier, Adele Ratignolle, Mademoiselle Reisz, Robert Lebrun, Alcee Arrobin.

    Monsieur pontellier is the husband of Edna; he is a Creole man. He thinks that it’s the wife’s job to take career of the children and the house.

    Adele Ratignolle is one of the women of Creole; she is very different from Edna. Adele lives her life for here children, just like must Creole women do. Adele careers so much about her children that she can understand how Edna could say that she “would never sacrifice herself for her children, or for anyone” (Chopin, p. 47).

    Mademoiselle Reisz who is a great painter on the island, but the people of the island do not respect her. She is the cup that wholes Edna together after her break up from her love. The reason that Edna likes Mademoiselle is because that she is so bold and eccentric.

    Robert Lebrun, a young man how attaches himself to Edna Pontellier during the summer and unexpectedly grows quite attached to her. He tries to distance himself from her by going to Vera Cruz, and he tries to be honorable by not always reciprocating Edna’s advances. Alcee Arobin is a man how has a affair with Edna after Robert.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Trace Edna Pontellier’s awakening Essay. (2018, Apr 10). Retrieved from

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