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    Torture and Violence During World War II

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    World war 2 was started by a man named Adolf Hitler in 1939. He came to power in Germany. He created the national socialist german workers party and for short nazi. Germany,Italy,and Japan was called the axis forces then. England,America,and France was called the allies. They were at war. Hitler also was responsible for one of the darkest time in history…the holocaust. It killed 6 million jews.

    Jews were persecuted since medieval Europe. They would torture them because they thought that they started the Bubonic plague. So Hitler wasn’t the first man to kill the the jews. Even in Rome they were torchered for no reason at all. So Hitler created concentration camps. They would torture and experiment on them.

    About 81% of jews died in the land the nazis owned. In Poland 90% jews died. In Germany 85% died. In Austria 80% died and in hungary 50%. In Romania 50%. And that is a few of the places the nazies owned. Concentration camps didn’t just kill jews but also people who got in Hitler’s way, homosexules, gypys,and criminals. But why did he kill the jews? No one knows. But there are still some nazi criminals that still are being found.

    There are many nazi war criminals like John Demjanjuk,Laszlo Csatary,Hans Lipschis,Vladimir Katriuk,and the most famous one of all Adolf Hitler. They caused lots of deaths.They were some of the most evilest men alive.

    John Demjanjuk killed 1,000 too 5,000 jews. After the holocaust he hid in Israel but was found in 1950. He was trialed and found guilty and was sentenced to be hanged but committed suicide two hours before his execution.

    Another man was Laszlo Csatary. He was responsible for killing 400 jews at once!He ordered them to dig a hole then he made them get in and then he told the nazi soldiers to shoot all of them. He was found hiding in Canada in 1980 and was 92 years old and was still sent to prison for two years.

    Hans Lipschis killed 500 jews in a concentration camp called Auschwitz. He was founded in 2011 in Canada and was too old to go to trial. So he died in 2011 the same year he was founded.

    Vladimir Katriuk was a surgeon who did experiments on the jews and killed about 150 of them. He would torture them. And was later found in 1956 in South America and was put in trial and was hanged.

    So the holocaust was one of the darkest times in history. The leaders were evil and killed many jews. So something like that can never happen again.

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    Torture and Violence During World War II. (2022, Mar 23). Retrieved from

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