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    Tom Clancy’s Rainbow 6 Essay (695 words)

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    Tom ClancyRainbow SixThis book was published by G. P.

    Putnam’s Sons in New York, USA. Copyright date is 1998. There are 740 pages in this book. Thomas L. Clancy, Jr.

    was born on the 12th of April 1947, he is marriedand lives in Maryland, USA. Clancy’s novels can be classified asMilitary-Techno-Thrillers. He has written fiction and non-fiction books,Rainbow Six is a fiction book. As for other titles, well there are justto many to list, in total 23. Some books that he has written are TheHunt for Red October, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger, to list afew. According to Clancy “Rainbow Six, is one of my all timefavourites.

    “The book starts with a prologue that introduces us to the one maincharacter, John Clark, an ex-Navy SEAL, and two other characters,Alistair Stanley the executive commander of Rainbow Six, and Domingo(Ding) Chavez, the Captain of Team 2. There are two other insignificantcharacter introduced, Clark’s wife Sandy and his daughter Patsy, who ismarried to Ding. Patsy is pregnant. The other main character is DmitriyArkadeyevich Popov, he is an ex-KGB agent who is now working as aspecial consultant’. He will become very important later on in thebook. Clark is the commander and in charge of starting a new Europeananti-terrorist group called Rainbow Six.

    Rainbow Six is split into twoteams; Team 1 and Team 2. These teams are the best there is. They arebased in Hereford, England, but any European country can call on them atany time. They run 3 miles in 20 minutes every morning at 6:00 am. Onlyone team will be on-call at a time.

    The team that is not on-call willbe doing live fire practices. In the first 6 months of being inoperation they are called on three times which is a lot for this type ofthing. The first incident happens in a Swiss bank where terrorists havetaken control. They also have hostages. Team 2 successfully takes themout, with only one hostage killed, but he is killed before they hadgotten there.

    The first mission helps them organize themselves and fixa few holes in their planning. The second mission is in Germany. An international trader is takenhostage in his mansion/castle. This mission goes well too, thanks tothe snipers. No hostage deaths, but all the terrorists are killed. After this mission is over they realize they should have a helicopterand pilot on the team, this is done.

    The last mission that they arecalled on in the book is in Spain, in a huge amusement park. Earlier onin the book we hear a conversation in a french high security jail, withthe Jackal and his lawyer. The Jackal tells his lawyer he is sick ofbeing in jail and to call his friends and they would know what to do. The terrorists at the amusement park are well prepared, but not wellenough to take on the Rainbow Six team. They take 30 children hostage,and demand for the Jackal and several other prisoners release.

    One ofthe major things that goes awary for the terrorists is that the Rainbowsix have a program that would disable all cellular phones. They varyphones that the terrorists are using to communicate, with each other. Once their communication is out Rainbow Six easily takes them out one byone. They then take out the large group. Only one child is killed. The terrorists do this killing to show they are serious.

    One terroristgoes outside and takes a child that is in a wheelchair and shoots her inthe back. The team just had to sit there and watch. If they hadinterrupted, they know more children will die. In the meantime while this is happening, Popov, the ex-KGB agent nowfreelance is hired by an American.

    Popov is hired to get people to dothe job in Switzerland, the bank taking, and the taking of theinternational trader in Germany. The person that has hired him is thepresident of a multi-national pharmaceutical company, that has access toand deals with extremely deadly viruses, he is extremely wealthy. Letscall him the Boss (sorry forgot his name). Popov has nothing to do withthe hostage taking of the children in Spain, that was the Jackal.

    Popovis living in New York will he is organizing these jobs and flies backand forth from Europe to organize them. After all

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Tom Clancy’s Rainbow 6 Essay (695 words). (2019, Jan 27). Retrieved from

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