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    Timeline of My Broken Childhood Essay

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    When parents got divorced, I was around 5 ½- 6 years old. During that process I was going through a rough time because the year before they got divorced my baby brother died. I was very confused and sad and when my parents got divorced I didn’t know what to do! My whole mood changed. My life changed from living in one house to two houses, and every week I would switch off from one parent to the other, and I started to feel uncomfortable and uneasy around my dad.

    He would always be drinking, chewing tobacco and getting angry all the time. Honestly, I began to not enjoy time around him and I would always want to go to my mom’s house. One night, I was at my dad’s house and it was a shower night, so right after dinner I hopped into the shower. When I got out my dad came in the bathroom to dry me off. When he did that I kind of got uncomfortable again. After he dried me off I went to get me pajamas on and after that I walked out to sit on the couch.

    I kept feeling very uncomfortable and asked my dad if I could borrow his phone to call my mom and say goodnight. So, I went in my room and locked the door and I called my mom and asked her if she could come and pick me up because I told her, “Daddy made me feel uncomfortable and touched me in places I don’t like to be touched” and she said that she would be there ASAP. My dad didn’t know that she was coming because I was planning on sneaking out. I gave my dad back his phone and told him that I was going to bed.

    He came into my bedroom and tucked me in and as soon as he left I got up out of my bed and opened my bedroom window and waited with a blanket until my mom arrived. When I saw my moms car I quickly jumped out of the window onto the snow/ice when it was 3 degrees out and ran to the street as fast as my little 5 year old legs could move because I didn’t want to get caught and it was also super cold going through 4 feet deep of snow without wearing shoes!!!

    When I got to her car my dad had saw me and came outside and started yelling, chasing the car and threatening to call the police. As we drove away I felt a sense of guilt because I knew that my dad didn’t intend any harm but I just didn’t like being around him so I felt the need to tell my mom a more dramatic story. My mom began asking me a lot of questions about what happened because she wanted to see if I was ok because she is a nurse. By what I told her she decided to take me to the hospital to check and see if I had been raped by my father.

    So, later that night when I got back to my moms house, she took me up stairs to my Hello Kitty room and put me to sleep. From that night forward until the 2nd grade I would always want to call my mom before bed to say goodnight, but my dad wouldn’t allow me to because he was afraid that I would leave again. Till this day I remember everything, every single detail is fresh in my mind and memory. Now every holiday I go and visit my dad in Wisconsin and live with my mom here in South Carolina. I have so many stories that I want to share with you and I hope I get the chance to.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Timeline of My Broken Childhood Essay. (2018, Aug 16). Retrieved from

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