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    Thesis: Design and Fashion Essay

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    Fashion may strike the public as of little importance and even refer to it as a luxury. However, fashion is evident everywhere especially in today’s society where fashion has become a meaner of self-expression. The popular society of today are becoming more and more aware of the importance of fashion in their daily lives or, to the least, in important occasions where first impression already matter. The widespread awareness of fashion entails creative minds to innovate and design not only aesthetic wise apparel and accessories but also for functional and racial purposes.

    In order to produce competent designers and artisans demand an institute which can address the proper training of these artistic and skilful work forces. Zebu is full of potential fashion designers and artisans therefore gaining its title as the “Creative City’ of the Philippines by the London based “Creative Cities Campaign. ” This campaign aims to preserve, promote, and develop the existing potential creative mindset of a chosen city. Living up to the standards of this campaign are schools inclined to the arts and a fashion institute would add up to this elopement as we have several internationally acclaimed fashion designers.

    Fashion schools will improve the acceptance of our local fashion designers and artisans professionally through proper certification of educational attainment. An institution duly credited and recognized by the academic society will boost the fashion industry in Zebu and hopefully pioneer in the whole Philippines. Existing fashion schools in the Philippines have recently branched out to other regions of the country hoping to cultivate potential fashion designers. Their curriculum strictly focuses on clothing design.

    There are also other schools offering courses which are related to fashion namely: make-up, styling, and fashion photography. The fashion schools in the Philippines specifically in Zebu city cater only to the involvement of designing skills without the incubation of these designs. On the other hand, the training for artisans only revolve around the technical skills of production without the exposure of working with designers. Combining these two elements in one facility creates a unique academic system which promotes sustainability among students.

    Educational attainment in the field of the arts have unfortunately long been selected and seen only as a hobby in the Philippines. Its is only up until now where schools focusing on the arts have sprouted all through out the country. This is due to the uprising digital and commercial age. Fashion in particular is beginning to take its mark in the Philippine academic and professional scene. Putting up a fashion institute strategically located in the center of the Philippine map would cater those who aspire to become professional designers and artisans.

    Therefore, lessening or eliminating the need to go abroad to acquire proper education and training. In order o successfully teach and train students, who are artistically inclined to fashion, will be the use of architecture as an instrument to provide an efficient facility. The current set-up of fashion schools in Zebu are vocational trainings that prepare them only in small scale enterprise and are trained in spaces where they tend to dwell in their own personal space resulting to the elimination of learning opportunities. This type of set-up risks the sustainability of students in their future careers as designers.

    This imposes the need to create additional spaces that examine their learning experience. The proponents of this study intend to design a facility tailored to accommodate the spatial needs of a fashion design institute which takes advantage of learning opportunities. The proponents of this study also intend to correlate the flow of curricular activities and spaces required to attain maximum efficiency of both the architecture of the institute and the curriculum/educational system to be adapted. Thus, this study aspires to answer the following questions: 1. What are the factors to consider in designing the proposed project? . How do paces interact with each other? 3. What configuration of spaces is most efficient for both indoor and outdoor circulation considering curricular activities and institutional operations? 4. What amenities and facilities are necessary? 5. What atmosphere is conducive for students to conveniently improve their talents and skills without influencing their aesthetic? The study seeks to introduce a new type of educational system aided with the proper facilities specifically and efficiently designed to accommodate the needs of the institute’s specialized curriculum. The study aims to envision: 1 .

    Aims to adapt a curriculum leaning towards a holistic and comprehensive system of education. 2. Aims to improve and/or develop raw talents and skills in the field of fashion. 3. Aims to provide adequate facilities and other amenities necessary to achieve the utmost fulfillment of the institute’s educational system. The main objective of this study is to come up with a functional and effective design solution for a fashion institute in Zebu city and in the Philippines as a whole. The following is intended to be accomplished by the end of the study: 1. Research the needed space requirements for the project proposal. Research on potential industries that the community can adopt a sense of having a fashion institute. 3. Design an institution for fashion and other related courses with the proper and efficient planning of spaces in coherence with its operational and educational system. 4. Establish an actuarially design concept.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Thesis: Design and Fashion Essay. (2017, Aug 20). Retrieved from

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