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    The Role of Scholarship in the National Honor Society

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    Of all the most important NHS qualities, such as Character, Leadership, or Service, it is to my reasoning that Scholarship is the most significant and essential. I cannot stress the importance of education, not only in society but in myself I, in my own opinion, do not have much of a social life. When I’m not in school or finishing my homework, I enjoy occupying myself with mentally stimulating interests These would include word puzzles, chess, educational websites, science experiments, and, most importantly, reading One of my favorite pastimes is going to the library I love checking out their books and learning new things, My room is filled with my own books along with assorted science equipment I feel it really suits me Perhaps the reason for my interests in education is due to my competitive nature with my brother. He is more physically capable than me, so I try to draw a proverbial line between brains and brawni.

    As I previously stated, I am constantly exercising my mind My ultimate High School goal is to get straight A’s on my report card. Through my grades, I hope that I will stand out in the eyes of the better colleges, I can’t imagine that these colleges would base one’s enrollment on popularity or sport achievements. Not that I, myself, do not participate in any extracurricular activities, I am currently involved with DECA, FIRST robotics, and both the math and chess clubs. [like these clubs because they promote education to others with the allure of fun and reward (not that I promote deception). This turns me back to the subject of scholarship in society. Because it is not proportional, the diversity of the students‘ education is one of the main attributes of NHS member selections Therefore, it is in my favor that 1 try my best to excel in this area.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Role of Scholarship in the National Honor Society. (2022, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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