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    How to Increase Competition Among Your Sales Teams

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    The purpose of this message is to address our current lack of revenue. In order to guarantee the longevity of our company, the following practices should be used to increase competition between the sales force. Sales is one of the most important departments in our company and is our main source of revenue. For the past six weeks however, our numbers have been low. We are constantly losing clients, and our top sales workers are in need of motivation. Here are just a couple of the few suggestions that I have to strengthen our sales numbers. Give public recognition along with prizes. Coach with data and establish KPIs and help set goals for each worker.

    There are already many sales teams that are using these techniques that I have suggested. In How to Increase Competition Amongst your Sales Teams, Steli Efti claims that almost all sales workers desire recognition, and that it is the driving force for most sales teams. Our current team is need of this because they have no incentives other than their sales commission, which is already met with a cap. Having prizes for the employee with the most sales can boost everyone’s drive to sell more. It sparks an “internal flame to do better be and be acknowledged by their peers”.

    Another recommendation is to coach with data by using visuals to track everyone’s progress. According to David Smith, author of How to Create Friendly Competition in Your Sales Teams, It is essential to establish solid Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This is important because people perform better when they have a visual aid on how they are performing and can meet goals easier. Employees who have visuals on how they perform can also better visualize how he/she fits in the company. Employees who have a direct understanding of how well they contribute to the company have a better sense of fulfillment. It is important to bring a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment because “salespeople who are more fulfilled will bring positive energy, excitement, and confidence into the meeting room; all of which are all highly likely to influence closing a sale and thus increasing revenues”.

    It is obvious that the company is not in any dire financial trouble whatsoever, but it is definitely clear that our sales and revenue have been slowing down. I find it necessary to address these problems now, rather than later in which it might be worse. This is also not saying that our sales force is incompetent. It is simply a suggestion on what we can do as upper management in order to push them in the right direction. There is nothing more that I want than for our sales force to succeed, and we should take responsibility not only as management but as leaders. We need to provide our workers with the best knowledge and resources in order to succeed.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    How to Increase Competition Among Your Sales Teams. (2022, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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