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    High Schools and Colleges Across the Country in Competition

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    For years they have tried to eliminate cheating during these competitions with this website it can help bring cheating to a minimum, if not making it impossible to cheat. In an effort to help with cheating, I would recommend this to any competition to use to make it fair to all contestants. The home page of Competition suite website draws in consumers with bright orange colors and easy-to-read type faces.

    The home page has three short paragraphs you can read about the organization, coaches/staff, and Fans. The organization part talks about how their software keeps everything organized and how you can load all the data on to a flash drive and then that’s all you need to have the scores of your contestants. Then the coaches/staff talks about how easily anyone can access the files if wanted, basically someone in Texas can talk to someone in Wyoming about a contestant. The fans part talks about how the Competition suite provides web-based versions of all scores that you can link to directly. All the scoring information is made available to you, so your web site can show scores with your own liking.

    Moving on to their pricing portion of the website. They offer three prices for consumers they have a basic package that cost four dollars this offers registration, scheduling, and scoring. The next package is the standard package coming in at seven dollars this offers registration, scheduling, scoring, and audio commentary. The last package they have to offer is there premium package that rings in at ten dollars this package offers registration, scheduling, scoring, audio commentary, and performance video.

    The way their software works you buy one of the packages that are stated above for each competition which makes it very affordable. Another example of trustworthiness of this software/webpage is on their status page they tell you every date that they have had a failure. There most recent failure was in February of 2018. That a year without any problems which is pretty good. The previous problem that they had was months before this incident, so it seems that they have all their bugs fixed.

    On their help part of the website gives you many options for help like trouble shooting, frequently asked questions and answers, blogs to read about the website/software. They also have a part just for coaches, organizations, and contestants to do their trouble shooting which could be very helpful. It seems that this company/website really cares about their customer service and that is very important today. In conclusion the competition suite website is a great choice for your competition needs. They are very affordable, reliable and helpful. This website uses great techniques to catch your eyes like color, great page layout, and wonderful customer service. I would highly recommend this website or software to any competition that wants to keep from others cheating

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    High Schools and Colleges Across the Country in Competition. (2022, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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